Page 32 of Saison for Love

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Ruth shook her head. It didn’t matter that the kid made a certain amount of sense. That wasn’t the point. “You knew Barbara Jean was touchy about this. And you knew I’d told you to stay out of it. This wasn’t a situation where you could make your own decision, Carol. This was a situation where I’d told you not to make things worse. And you went against what I told you to do.”

“But it worked out. She left. We got somebody better. I don’t see why you’re mad at me.” Carol’s lower lip jutted out in an advanced pout.

For a fugitive moment, Ruth wondered just how Carol had found out about Peaches. But that question was a distraction. She picked up the iPad from the coffee table. “You knew what you were supposed to do. I was clear about that. And you didn’t do it. No internet for a week.”

Carol’s pout turned to outrage. “That’s not fair.”

“On the contrary, it’s extremely fair. Actions have consequences, and you can’t just talk them away.”

Carol pushed herself to her feet, chin held high. She looked a little like Barbara Jean had when she’d stalked out of the kitchen. “It’s not fair. I helped. I made things better. You didn’t even like Barbara Jean—she was awful.”

Ruth took a breath, putting steel in her spine. “My opinion of Barbara Jean doesn’t matter. Neither does yours. This is between you and me—I told you not to do something, and you did it anyway. I can’t stand back and say that’s all right just because the outcome was better than you could have expected. You had no way of knowing I’d be able to hire a new cook so quickly. I didn’t know that myself. This could have been a disaster, and it was your fault that it happened.”

“You always do this. You’re always making me do things for no good reason—just because you think you’re right. I don’t even get a say. I hate it here!” Carol gave her another burning look then turned on her heel, stalking out of the room like Mary Queen of Scots heading for the scaffold. Ruth had to give her points for drama. But then, drama had always been Carol’s forte. Her father was in show biz, after all.

She headed to the kitchen, tossing her purse on the hall table. She wasn’t sure what went with gyros, but wine would be a great relaxer, which she needed. And she definitely intended to collect on that foot rub before the evening was over.

She grabbed a bottle of something red from the wine rack along with a corkscrew. Relaxation loomed large on the horizon. Living with a twelve-year-old was clearly driving her to drink. Lord only knew what Carol would be like when she was a teenager.

She poured herself a glass of wine, then turned when the doorbell sounded. Probably Liam, and she hadn’t even had a chance to run a brush through her hair.

Do you want to run a brush through your hair?

Since she was supposed to be discouraging him, maybe not. But then again, was she still trying to discourage him? She wasn’t sure anymore. Just sex, remember? Just sex. She headed down the hall.

Liam looked faintly amused when she pulled open the door. His sandy hair had been blown around by the afternoon breeze, and his eyes were more green than brown in the shadows of the front porch. He was, she reminded herself once again, a hunk.

A hunk five years younger than you. And who you’re just using for sex. True enough.

“Gyros.” He held up the bag. “Lots of tzatziki, and a double order of grape leaves.” He gave her a quick smile that probably wasn’t meant to be seductive, but managed it anyway.

Get a grip, toots. He’s just here for dinner. You’ve got a twelve-year-old upstairs.

“Come on in. Have some wine.” She turned back toward the kitchen, trusting he’d follow her without being told.

Liam was still smiling when she handed him a glass. Maybe it came from being a bartender who needed to smile as part of his job. Or maybe he’s happy to see you. Her hand brushed his as he took the glass and a quick tingle danced along her arm.

Cool it. Just cool it.

“Where’s Carol?” he asked.

Ruth shrugged. “Sulking in her room. She expected me to congratulate her for running Barbara Jean out of the kitchen. She found out that wasn’t going to happen.”
