Page 44 of Saison for Love

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“That’s fine. Use anything you want. We can always adjust the lunch menu later.”

“Great.” She started to turn back toward the kitchen, then paused. “There probably won’t be enough muffins for everybody today, but we need to get rid of the commercial stuff, too. They just delivered some cinnamon rolls and some sticky buns.”

Ruth shook her head. “Oh, Lord, I need to cancel that order.”

“For sure. We might use up what’s on hand today, though.”

Ruth watched her head back into the kitchen, pulling the hairnet tighter around her hair. She’d have to tell Carol about the chance to visit her aunt and uncle. Normally, she’d be delighted. These days, Ruth wasn’t sure what to expect.

Bec showed up around ten thirty to help with the cheese production. Ruth had divided her time between the kitchen and the cheese room, although Peaches didn’t need much help.

Mostly she was just keeping track of things, making sure Peaches wasn’t a mirage conjured up by her desperate imagination.

The coffee break crowd had grown close to pre-Barbara Jean levels as the news of Peaches’s muffins got out. They’d even managed to clear out the commercial cinnamon rolls and sticky buns. Lunch was looking like a possible sellout.

Bec grinned as she lifted the cheese knife off the shelf. “Looks like the crisis has passed.”

“If you mean Barbara Jean, it definitely has.” The Salty Goat was still full of the sweet, cinnamon smell of the muffins.

“Are you going to have to help with the cooking at lunch?”

Ruth sighed. “I’ll have to be there for the first thirty minutes or so, in case Peaches has questions. But she’s so sharp, I can’t believe she’ll need me for very long.”

“All’s well that ends well?”

“Something like that.” She grabbed a colander, ready to start sieving the custardy curds once Bec had finished her second pass with the knife. “I’d like to try some flavored cheese, now that I don’t have to keep running into the kitchen to help out every fifteen minutes.”

“Flavored with what?” Bec propped the cheese knife in the sink for washing.

“I’m not sure. Maybe chervil or tarragon. And there’s always basil.”

Bec smiled. “Liam’s making a basil saison. He said it would work well with your goat cheese. But I’m not sure basil beer and basil cheese would be a good combination.”

“Liam’s making beer?” She’d always thought of him more as Bec’s assistant.

“Liam was once one hell of a home brewer. He moved into management when Colin took over.” A shadow passed over Bec’s face, as it usually did when Colin Brooks’s name came up.

“And he wanted to make beer for my cheese?” Ruth wasn’t sure exactly why, but she felt sort of tingly about that possibility. Maybe it was the thought that Liam would go to all that trouble for her chevre.

“He likes your cheese.” Bec raised her eyebrows. “I think he likes more than that.”

Ruth’s cheeks flushed again. She was getting a workout in terms of embarrassment today. “Anyway. Flavored cheese. Let’s try tarragon. I’ve got some growing in the herb garden out back.”

“Right.” Bec gave her another grin. “I’ll go cut some stems.”

Lunch was as busy as Ruth had thought it would be. Carol wandered in around eleven, and Peaches put her to work making sandwiches. Ruth figured being expected to make sandwiches would remove at least some of the appeal for her daughter—it was probably a lot more fun to do when Barbara Jean had forbidden her to do it.

She corralled Carol around one thirty, handing her one of Peaches’s grilled cheese sandwiches and some milk. “Have a seat.”

Carol narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

“Because I want you to eat lunch sitting down.” Ruth managed not to grit her teeth. Sometimes she thought Carol was contrary just as a matter of principle.

“Okay.” She subsided into one of the window seats.

“How was making sandwiches?”

“Fine. I don’t think Peaches really needed me. She just wanted company.”

“That’s okay. She probably appreciated the help, too.” Ruth dropped into the chair opposite. “Uncle Brett wants you to go to the farm and keep your aunt Ginger company for a couple of days. She’s feeling blue because Will’s gone. He’s going to pick you up this afternoon, so you need to go home and pack a few things.”

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