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'And you say they are related? 'Only very distantly, I believe—but he is definitely the Sheikh's confidante He tells him everything '

Xavier's eyes gleamed with satisfaction And had she not answered as his confidante? He had been right—as usual—a taste of his sublime lovemakmg had been enough to guarantee that all her loyalty would soon lie with him. It was time for him to take control 'Come,' he ordered 'Let us go and greet them'

Laura blinked as he preceded her down the aeroplane steps, wondering whether Xavier had decided that he was going to start acting like a royal—for wasn't there something suddenly imperious in his manner?

And did she imagine the merest flicker of hostility in the eyes of Malik as he approached them, bowing deeply from the waist?

'Good evening,' he said farmally , 'Malik—on behalf of His Most Eminent Highness Zahir of Kharastan—bid you welcome '

A nerve flickered at Xavier's cheek There was a part of him, a primitive part, that wanted to demand answers to a few incisive questions—to demand some kind of proof of the outrageous claim which had led to him being here on foreign soil Something more than a damned black-and-white shot which could have been mocked up by any half-decent photographer! But it was not Malik's story to tell.

Instead, he nodded his jet-dark head in response.'1 thank you for your extravagant welcome,' he answered silkily

'You must be tired, and thirsty after your journey,' said Malik 'The car awaits to take us to the Palace ' He turned to Laura 'You will take the first car, where you will find Sidonia, your maidservant, awaits you,' he instructed 'Monsieur de Maistre and I will follow in the other'

His voice was definitely cool, and Laura suddenly felt as if the men were closing ranks and excluding her She had achieved what they had asked her to do—did that mean she was now superfluous to requirements'?

I don't want to travel in a separate car with a servant, she thought—flicked away as you would an irritating fly on a hot summer's day She turned to look at Xavier, but his eyes were stony and his face unmovmg— the man who had kissed her so passionately on the plane now seemed like a distant dream Would he object to this sudden segregation of the sexes'? she wondered Would his obvious desire for her go as far as wanting her companionship on the journey to the Palace?

Xavier met her eyes He knew that she wanted to stay with him—and, in truth, would he not have preferred her beside him'? Familiar and beautiful. But her beauty was distracting—and not just to him He wanted to keep all his wits about him—and, like a small animal locked outside in the cold and ram—her gratitude would know no bounds when he took her back into the warmth of his arms once more Let her have a taste of what it was like to be rejected by Xavier de Maistre, and in future she would acquiesce to his every desire.

Besides, Laura and Malik both had the potential to be his enemy, and was it not best to divide your enemies'? So that if necessary you could play one off against the other?

'Run along now, cherie' he murmured 'As you see—everyone is ready to leave '

Laura didn't react—even though his patronising dismissal felt like a slap to the face. Yet she had travelled out here before under her own steam and managed admirably—because she had been playing her professional role instead of allowing a passionate kiss to knock her guard down So start playing it again. You are here as an employee, she reminded herself, and nothing more.

She nodded and gave a serene smile 'Yes, of course You men will have plenty to talk about. I'll see you at the Palace' And she turned and walked towards the car without another word, knowing that they watched her.

For a moment both men were silent as a guard sprang to attention and opened the door of the armoured car for her.

'She is beautiful, is she not? ' asked Malik reflectively.

Xavier turned his head back to look at the Sheikh's aide, acknowledging the glint in the other's eyes with a stony response Had this man already been intimate with the luscious redhead? he wondered And a dart of sexual jealousy lanced right through him 'Laura?'

'Of course,' said Malik, and then paused 'She is your lover?' he questioned deliberately

A furrow appeared between Xavier's black eyebrows Is it the custom in Kharastanto speak of women in such a way?' he demanded

Malik acknowledged the barb with a slight shrug 'You come from the West—where attitudes towards sex are liberal, and where your own reputation with women is that of a legendary stud '

'And where only schoolboys boast to each other of sexual conquests,' returned Xavier

'I was not asking you to boast—I was merely trying to find out whether Miss Cottmgham has yet joined the long list of your lovers '

'My reputed lovers,' drawled Xavier 'If I had bedded all the women who have offered themselves to me then there would be little time for anything else '

'So is that a yes or a no?' persisted Malik

Xavier's eyes narrowed Was it just masculine pride which made him reluctant to admit that Laura had not yet been his, since the Sheikh's aide was clearly obsessed with her? Or was it a niggling doubt that perhaps she actually might do the unthinkable and resist him? Never. There was not a woman born who was foolish enough to deny herself that

Think about the way she responded to you on the flight over, he told himself, offering a tantalising foretaste of the abundant pleasures to come 'You display a curiosity on the subject which borders on the distasteful,' he gritted.

Malik shrugged 'Perhaps I am thinking of sleeping arrangements '

'Or perhaps you want her for yourself?' Xavier challenged 'Tell me—is it necessary for you to employ a woman to be able to take her to your bed.

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