Page 101 of The Satin Sash

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The melancholy in her laughter made her regret having let it out. “Maybe you should. Not care what he thinks anymore.”

“It makes no difference.” His voice changed, became authoritative and businesslike. “I want you to put on something very pretty for me.We’re going to Tiago’s tonight, and I’ve got Louisa making sure every reporter will be there to see we’re fine, and kill this right off.”

Kill the rumors. Smile for the camera. They’d never taken an interest in Toni before. Grey’s plain little girlfriend. But as soon as the water looked murky, the press was all over them.And she would pose for them?

“To deny it,” she said, choking in distaste.

“To stop it before it gets worse,” came the stern correction.

She shook her head many times, continued shaking it as she spoke.“Grey, I hate not having explanations for my parents, but you know what? In a week, some starlet will come out with her skirt up to her waist and nobody will even remember us.” She almost prayed that one of them was already doing mischief now, and then felt miserable for wishing such bad tidings on someone just to get rid of her own pain.

“They will remember. It’s in print.They’ll have a field day with this.”

“I don’t want to play their game! In fact, I wish Heath were here and the three of us could pose, with each of you grabbing one of my breasts while we tell the entire universe.YES. Big deal.We had a freaking threesome!” Okay, she was really losing it, and most surprising of all, she was really loving it! She wanted to do something reckless, and she wanted to scratch everyone’s eyes out for attacking Grey.

“But Heath is not here, is he? This is about you. And me. And me needing to fix this.”

“Heath would say they should go fuck themselves.”

“Not. Another.Word. About Heath!”

“He’s your instinct, and sometimes you need to trust it, Grey. How can we be happy trying to please the entire world? I’m not going anywhere,” she said in an emphatic rush of rebelliousness. “I’ll be home and I’ll be waiting for you just as I always am, but don’t expect me to pose. I’m not living the life of everyone; this is mine. If I listened to what everyone thinks I should be doing, I’d be looking for a sperm donor, since it’s clear there won’t be a husband coming to me!”

“What in the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing! The point is . . .” She sighed. What did a baby have to do with anything, damn it? Was she growing desperate? Was she so without dignity that she’d propose to Grey herself now? “The point is, all I care about is what you think. And Heath. The rest is not important.”

“Then would you care to know that I have our IPO coming up next week? RS is going public.We can’t afford something like this. Not now and not ever.”

“And what did your fabulous PR person suggest?”


“What did he suggest would be great for your IPO?”

More silence. Not a peaceful, serene silence, but the kind that made you aware of just how many things you did not know, did not hear, were not aware of.

“What?” she fragilely demanded.“Did he suggest you pose with some other bimbo so the world thinks you broke up with me before Cabo and we were both there by accident, me with my new fling?”


She gasped, the thought that everybody, everybody in the world, including her parents, did not think her fit for Grey devastated her. Because maybe they were right. Because no matter how much she adored him, she might not be worthy of him after all. She had hurt him, and maybe she truly didn’t have a clue about what a man like Grey needed.

With a serenity that belied the pain in her very bones, she mumbled, “Do what you have to do, Grey Richards.”

In her mind, she hung up—no, she slammed the receiver into the cradle—and yet a second later she remained in her same spot, anxiously clutching it to her ear.

“I fired him.”


She blinked in surprise, stuttered, “You did?”

“On the spot.”

Her laugh was feeble. Of sadness mingled with relief. “Oh, Grey.” He was chuckling, too.

And she conceded, “One picture.That’s it. Grey, this is none of their business!”
