Page 53 of The Satin Sash

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“Please. Enlighten me.”

How about he shock her instead? Wipe that smug smile off her face? “How about you coming like a rocket whenever I put my hands on you?”

She smiled. “You’re full of yourself.”

Her lips as they smiled were a feast for his eyes. Shit, he wanted that mouth.

“Do you want me again?” he asked, circling her shoulder with that finger, listening to the increase of her breath.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She was panting, aroused.Then she said, “Maybe.”

He sounded as breathless as she now. “Maybe yes or maybe no?”

She raised her hand and set a single finger on his mouth, feathering the tip across his bottom lip. “Maybe yes.”

The whisper-light touch combined with the yes kicked him in the gut so hard that his legs nearly buckled. Her lips were parted, and he could see she expected him to bend his head and tangle his tongue with hers. Damn it. He’d never longed for a kiss until this moment, when he’d promised not to want it, not to take it.

His tongue felt restless in his mouth, wanting to swirl around her finger, her tongue. When she lowered her hand, his pulse thrummed inside him, his dick engorged to the point of pain.

The pitiful groan was his. “Touch me.”

He craved to ram her back against the wall and sink inside her, pound her, but her mood seemed so fragile, he forced himself to be gentle as he reached for her hand.

“Put your hand on me.”

She did. She had no other choice when he flattened her hand to the bulge in his jeans. And she swallowed up his cock with that hand. God. He wanted her to squeeze, to tug, jerk him fast. He wanted her to lower the zipper, delve in deep, grab him, make him blow.

Gentleness wasn’t his forte, but he was gentle as he cradled her cheeks in hands that almost engulfed her face, cocked his head to one side and kissed her eyelids, the tip of her nose. Not her lips. Not those. But anywhere else, he could kiss . . .

“Tell me you’d like my hands on you again.” He sounded desperate; he felt desperate. Twenty-seven. Twenty-seven women he’d fucked while thinking of Toni. There would be more after, he knew. He would fantasize about this weekend, of her cat eyes and her warm smile . . . how she looked when Grey was petting her . . . when Heath was plunging into her . . .

“Heath . . .” She didn’t move her hand over him, but it trembled against the denim. Her neck was craned way back so her neck curved along the backrest.

He gave a circle of his hips, meaning it to be coaxing, but the move was fast and demanding. “It’s okay. Do you know I made a deal with Grey? I’m allowed to fuck you with or without him present. Any time you want it.You can lift that dress for me and before you know it, I’m inside you.”

A telling ripple went down her body, tangible in the air, in the center of his being.

“Grey wouldn’t agree to that,” she whispered.

“He did. He’s repressed, that man is. He’s a sex bomb behind the suit and he’d love for me to fuck you.We could do it right here, right now.”

She wanted to. Yes. She trembled with the urge to. She licked her lips once, twice. She could almost taste his cock in her mouth, and Heath could almost smell her pussy. Those big lips, he was allowed to taste, and he would kiss there for hours. All day. All night. Grey or no Grey.

“You’re lying,” she finally said, dropping her hand to her lap.

“What you hear from me, always, that’s the truth.” He raised his voice, but did not take his eyes off her. “Isn’t that right, Grey?”

At the edge of the living room, Grey stood with his arms clasped behind his back, his expression inscrutable. “Having a special time?”

Heath straightened. “We were.”

Grey came forward, dropping his arms. “Baby, I’m sorry. I couldn’t hang up; it was one thing after another.” When she nodded grudgingly, he addressed Heath.“I was thinking we could have some horses brought up and we could ride down the coast near San José. There’s a new resort, the Latin Blue? I want to show you something.”

Heath perked up. “The spread?”

“Yes. It’s rather interesting.” He glanced at Toni and smiled warmly. “And there’s a restaurant by the beach that Toni likes.”

Bowing his head in agreement, Heath bent to whisper in her ear, “I’ll have you riding my cock.” He was cruelly pleased when she shuddered.
