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She ignored his plea, stroking him with her hand and teasing him with her tongue.

“Shell. I need to have you. All of you.” Reaching for her with both hands, he swept her beneath him again. “I can’t wait another second,” he said in a voice thick with desire.

As their mouths crashed together, she rocked against him, craving him, needing to feel him inside her. Needing him to complete her with his body the same way he had with his soul.

Her legs locked around his waist, and his hands came up to cup her hips as he pulled her even closer. So much closer than she’d ever been with anyone else. So much closer than she’d ever wanted to be with anyone else.

“Please,” she begged. “I need you too, Quinn. Now.”

He reached for his jeans and dug protection out of his wallet, and was fully sheathed by the time he went up on his knees, looking so magnificently virile Shelley’s mouth went dry. Had there ever been a man this sexy? This beautiful?

And all hers.

He brushed her lower lip with his thumb, and the simple touch sent waves of excitement through her. “Are you sure?”

His need to protect her only made her want him more.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

That was all the invitation he needed, and then he was threading his fingers through hers and leaning forward over her so that they were only a breath apart. But even that was too far for her tonight. His gaze was dark and intense with need—and with so much emotion she nearly came apart right then and there from nothing but looking into his eyes—as he slowly began to move into her. Deeper, and then deeper still, until she was utterly lost to everything but the wonder of it all.

To the wonder of Quinn.

Oh God...There were no words for this much pleasure. For bliss that she could feel all the way down to the tips of her toes. No way to do anything but try to take it all in, the way their bodies fit so perfectly together even as emotions wrapped around them like a blanket.

“Beautiful.” He moved his hands to tangle one in her hair, while the other on her hip brought them even closer together. “You’re so damn beautiful, Shell.”

The raw emotions—and desperate need—in his voice swamped her. She moved urgently beneath him, craving more friction. More heat.

More soul-deep pleasure.

He grinned, as if he held a secret she wasn’t privy to, then took her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss.

“Quinn. Please.” The desperation in her voice was nothing compared to the need swelling inside her.

“In a rush, sweetheart?” His voice was staggeringly rough, his kisses painfully soft.

“No. Yes. You’re torturing me.”

But he just kept moving in slow, controlled movements. Slow, sweet torture over and over again, which stole the few brain cells Shelley was relying on to remain coherent.

And when he slid both hands beneath her hips so she could take him gloriously deeper, her toes curled as every thrust hit just the right spot to make her gasp time and time again.

“Quinn…” Another plea.

“Patience,” he whispered against her mouth. “It always pays off.” One hand slid from her hips to the center of her arousal, while his hips began to move faster and faster, taking her right up to the edge before he slowed again, driving her out of her mind. “More. I just want more time with you.”

No one had ever said anything so sweet—or so sexy—to her before, and his words, along with the feel of all of his hard heat over and inside of her, brought her right to the edge of a release that promised to swallow her whole.

A beat later, Quinn’s entire body was corded tight as he finally gave her exactly what she needed to climb even higher and then higher still. When her insides shattered, he was right behind her, whispering her name over and over.

They lay with their bodies braided together for a long while as their jagged breathing returned to normal. Shelley reveled in the feel of Quinn’s heart beating against hers. The sounds of the waves and the leaves rustling on the trees brought the world back into focus as she opened her eyes to stare up at the stars.

That first night at the cove before she’d gotten too tipsy, she’d looked up and found the brightest star to make a wish on. It was the same wish she’d made since she was a child. Give me a guiding light. Lead me to my forever home. Now she felt as if someone up there must have been looking out for her, because she’d found the place she wanted to put down roots.

Nestled in the safety of Quinn’s arms, Shelley knew that she was finally right where she was supposed to be.
