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Time wasn’t a given; it was a gift. Life wasn’t something that Reese or anyone else could accurately anticipate, and as they drove back toward town, she knew she wouldn’t have changed a second of her past even if she had the power to.

She had this one life, and from now on she was going to make it everything she’d ever hoped for.

Chapter Thirty-Three

THEY COULDN’T HAVE asked for a more perfect evening for the grand opening of Shelley’s Café. It was an unusually warm evening for September, which brought even more residents out to enjoy the event. Luckily, the café had a large yard to accommodate so many people. By the right side of the café there was a clown making balloon animals and entertaining the children. More balloons hung from the iron railings beside the brook on the opposite side of the café, where Eleanor, who ran the tourist information booth, was talking to a handful of shop owners and residents. Eleanor could keep them engaged for hours with her friendly demeanor and knowledge of the town’s history.

Shelley had set large leafy plants on the corners of the patio, which was also bustling with visitors. Music played from speakers that Derek had installed in the exterior walls, and there were tables strewn around the yard with finger foods and punch and several different types of Shelley’s flavored organic coffees.

Shelley had been grinning ear to ear ever since her best friend and cousin, Taryn, had arrived. Taryn was a clothing designer, and she’d hit it off with everyone. She was currently chatting with Brandi, the owner of Savory Delights. Trent was enjoying watching his brother Ethan check Taryn out almost as much as he was enjoying watching Reese laughing with his mother, Sierra, Jocelyn, and his cousin Annabelle.

A heavy arm landed across his shoulder, and he knew without looking that it belonged to his father. His woodsy aftershave and familiar strength gave him away.

“They couldn’t have asked for a better turnout.” His father smiled at Trent, then held up his coffee cup. “Shelley sure brews a good cup.”

“You’re not kidding. Mine is something with hazelnut, and it’s definitely addicting.”

“The café renovations are gorgeous. Sometimes I forget how much each of you is capable of.” Griffin lifted his chin toward Quinn, who was walking toward Shelley. “Did you ever think you’d see him settle down?”

“Actually, no, I didn’t. And I never thought I’d see him take time off work, either.” The fact that the same could once have been said about Trent didn’t escape him. He’d learned so much about communication and honesty from these past weeks with Reese, and now he knew he needed to be just as up-front with his father. “Can you spare a minute, Dad? There’s something I’d like to talk with you about.”

“Of course.”

“When Chandler brought us all back to the island, while Derek and Quinn fought the move tooth and nail, I had actually been contemplating moving back for a very long time. But the thing was, I always felt that I needed to live up to the Rockwell name. And I knew you didn’t want me to be under Chandler’s thumb if I came back.”

“Trent, you more than live up to the Rockwell name in every respect. Being a Rockwell means being loyal to your family, giving to others, and being true to yourself and your heart.” Griffin looked across the yard at Abby. “Your mother and I have been discussing the recent changes we’ve seen in you and Quinn, and I think I owe you both, and probably the rest of the kids, too, an apology. As the eldest, you probably felt more pressure than the others, but I believe my efforts to get you all to follow your own paths and move out from under Chandler’s control might have backfired. I ended up just applying a different type of pressure, and for that I’m truly sorry.”

“Dad, your mentorship helped me in more ways than I can count. You gave me the drive to succeed and the confidence to know that I could. I should have been man enough to look past my own fears and take charge of my life. And I’ve finally done just that. I’ve started the process of selling my practice so I can have more time to focus on Reese and, hopefully someday, a family of our own.”

He pulled his father into a hug, and over his shoulder, he could see Reese and Sierra laughing together. Reese looked so happy, and so beautiful, and when he caught her eye, he blew her a kiss.

“You know what, Dad? You and Mom taught me the most important thing of all. How to love. It just took me a while to figure out how to combine my competitive instinct with loving Reese the way she deserves.”

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