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Please don’t rush to tell me all you feel.

You don’t have to speak for me to hear you.

If I softly sigh,

Look me in the eye

And let me know I’m real. . . .

Then we’ll take small steps,

’Cause we won’t know where we’re going.

We’ll take small steps,

And we’ll have too much to say.

Small steps,

Hand in hand we’ll walk together,

And maybe we’ll discover

A clue along the way. . . .

She didn’t say she would see him again, just if. The song could mean anything or nothing at all, he realized. It might just be a song that he inspired, and that was nice too. More than anything, he was just glad to hear her singing again.

Anyway, he couldn’t let his life revolve around Kaira DeLeon. He had his own set of small steps to take. 1. Graduate from high school. 2. Attend two years of Austin Community College. 3. Do well enough to transfer to the University of Texas. (Jack Dunlevy wanted him to major in landscape architecture, but Armpit wasn’t sure he wanted to dig holes the rest of his life. He was considering studying occupational therapy, so he could help people like Ginny.) 4. Don’t do anything stupid. And 5. Lose the name Armpit.

Small steps,

’Cause I don’t know where I’m goin’.

Small steps,

I just take it day to day.

Small steps,

Somehow get myself together,

Then maybe I’ll discover

Who I am along the way. . . .
