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As I pounced on Bella I brought her into my arms and held her there securely while flying through the room at a ferocious velocity. When we collided with the couch it went flying across the room until it settled against the wall with a large crashing blast. She was breathing in large heavy gasps of air and her heart was drumming madly. She tried to move out of my protective arms and I refused.

I moved her closer into my embrace letting her warm my body. She eyed me suspiciously and a playful grin spread across my face without my permission. It was just something I did naturally when I was around her.

"You were saying?" I pretended to growl.

"That you are a very, very terrifying monster," her voice was sagging with sarcasm under her heavy panting.

"Much better," I agreed.

She looked up at me, still a little jarred by my sudden movement, "Um..." she paused and continued to struggle, "Can I get up now?" she asked.

"What the hell was that noise?" Jasper asked Alice.

"Ha-ha. Edward is wrestling with Bella." Alice answered cheerily.

Oh my, Jasper began thinking, but his thoughts turned frenzied.

I began laughing at Bella and Jaspers now frantic thoughts.

"Can we come in?" Alice asked from the hall.

Bella continued to struggle in my arms but I refused to let her go. I repositioned her so she was on my lap. I could feel the warmth of Bella's blood as it raced up her cheeks when she realized that Alice and Jasper were in the door way.

"Go ahead," I barked a laugh.

How can he get that close to her? It seriously blows my mind, Jasper was panicking mentally.

Jasper had a strong belief that being this close to a human was impossible without feeding. His belief was now being thrown out the window.

Alice's thoughts were just a humming of approval. She was radiating with glee as she moved fluidly into the room, dropping to the ground and crossing her legs with a gleaming smile across her face.

Jasper continued to stay in the door way. His thoughts were still fanatically stunned.

"It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share," Alice said while she failed extravagantly at trying to suppress laughter.

Bella stiffened like a board in my arms but met her gaze unflinchingly and I couldn't help but grin at both of them. When Bella saw my face she relaxed. I looked at Alice and answered back playfully, "Sorry, I don't believe I have enough to spare."

I tightened my arms around her. Her heart was still humming quickly and her blush was still pronounced on her cheeks. Jasper finally got his thoughts out of a tangle as the mood of the room finally hit him.

Wow, I've never felt Edward feel love. A smile spread across Jaspers face automatically at the cheerfulness in the room. "Actually, Alice says there's going to be a real storm tonight, and Emmett wants to play ball. Are you game?" he asked while walking into the room.

Playing ball did sound fun. I knew Emmett would be thoroughly pissed if I didn't show up this time. I remembered the vampires that are visiting in the area and without thinking about it I looked at Bella and realized I would never leave her for a moment with those creatures at large. Before I could respond Alice chimed in, "Of course you should bring Bella."

What? Jasper looked mildly surprised and sent Alice a quick look but turned back so quickly I wasn't sure if Bella caught it. Once again I had to remind myself that it was always her choice, "Do you want to go?" I asked as excitement burst through me.

She looked at me and without hesitating she said, "Sure. Um, where are we going?"

This is going to be so much fun! Alice's thoughts flitted through my mind.

I can't believe this. Oh well this should be...interesting. Jasper thought while curiosity was willing inside him.

"We have to wait for thunder to play ball ?C you'll see why," I smiled at her.

A sign of nervousness was evident on her face when she bit her lower lip. She didn't realize she was doing it when she looked at me and asked anxiously, "Will Ineed an umbrella?"

We all started laughing but I was relieved because I was finally aware of what her sudden apprehension was.

"Will she?" Jasper asked with a most peculiar expression.

"No. The storm will hit over town. It should be dry enough in the clearing." Alice said while the vision of the clearing ran through her head.

Jasper was so full of happiness and joyfulness from the situation happening in the room that he couldn't contain his smile, "Good, then," he exclaimed.

Being around Alice was always a little strange because I was constantly seeing the future. This time it was just the coming minutes going through her mind. I saw her going to Carlisle and asking about playing ball.

"Let's go see if Carlisle will come," Alice jumped off the ground and headed toward the door with a wink in Jaspers direction.

"Like you don't know," Jasper teased.

Jasper closed the door behind him, Have fun bro.

Bella turned in my lap, her heart fluttering at our closeness, "What will we be playing?" she wondered.

I laughed at the thought of letting her hold a bat, or worse, letting her try to hit a ball with a bat.

"You will be watching," I clarified, "We will be playing baseball," I explained.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Vampires like baseball?" she asked in disbelief.

"It's the American pastime," I said in mock seriousness.

Some very annoying sound was in my ear. I was driving down Bella's street when little droplets of rain began splattering onto the windshield. That was not what was bothering me. Billy Black was waiting for Charlie in his driveway so he could tattle tale like a little kid on Bella's new found relationship with me.

"Damn Quileute legends," I muttered so low that Bella couldn't hear me.

Jacob and his father were taking shelter on Bella's front porch and I was instantly tense.

Can't she tell there is something wrong with that kid? His cold white skin, his aversion to the sun...I will settle this though. Charlie will listen to me and force her to stop seeing the Cullen kid. Billy Black thought with a sneer and a curse in each thought with my name.

Charlie isn't even here, why are we waiting here in the rain like idiots? Jacob thought until he saw Bella, Oh, well...maybe this wasn't a wasted trip after all.

I had heard enough. The thoughts radiating off of them were about to drive me to let the monster free. I couldn't let that happen when Bella was around.

"This is crossing the line," I said vehemently.

Bella's eyes found mine and they were worried. "He came to warn Charlie?" she asked horrified.

I gave her a grave look and nodded. I turned toward Billy then and I was seeing red. My eyes were narrowed into tiny slits. I can just get out of the car and scare them off. Or maybe I could...

"Let me deal with this," Bella interrupted my internal rage.

I didn't want to let her leave my side. To think of the things she was going to hear from Billy's mouth. His thoughts continued to get snippier and nastier each time he glared in my direction. I knew if I left the vehicle now and released my anger that I would lose Bella, so I quickly agreed, "That's probably best. Be careful, though. The child has no idea."

"Jacob is not that much younger than I am," she reminded me crisply.

I turned my gaze on her because she pulled me from my anger. She always knew exactly what to say to calm my nerves and bring me back to earth. I grinned at her, "Oh, I know," I assured her.

She looked exasperated. She reached for the door handle and sighed. I needed to leave here before my temper came back.

What the hell are they doing? What is taking so long? Billy thought angrily.

"Get them inside so I can leave. I'll be back around dusk," I commanded.

Her eyes met mine again, "Do you want my truck?" she asked.

Hasn't she learned better by now? I rolled my eyes, "I could walk home faster than this truck moves."

A sad look entered her eyes, "You don't have to leave," she said longingly.

She had no idea how difficult it was for me to leave while there were vampires lurking in the vicinity and the Blacks were here to cause trouble. I looked at her expression realizing she didn't want me to leave just as much as I didn't want to leave her. "Actually, I do. After you get rid of them," I glared in the Blacks direction, "you still have to prepare Charlie to meet your new boyfriend," a smile spread across my face.

She groaned loudly, "Thanks a lot."

Her face was so adorable when she was upset or angry. I couldn't help but smile at her. "I'll be back soon," I promised.

If she doesn't exit that truck in one minute I am going to go over there and make sure she is okay, Billy swelled ominously.

I turned my glare back in the direction of the porch at the last thought. I wanted to taunt Billy just a little bit and Jacob too. I leaned down and slowly brought my lips to Bella's jaw. I kissed lightly and her heart jumped up in her chest. Her blood was pulsing quickly and the scent made me go wild. The kiss was all flames and electricity down my throat. When I moved away from her, she looked towards the porch and could see the same thing I could. Billy had a death grip on his wheel chair and his thoughts were in frantic disarray.

Oh, how... oh, goodness. I... Well...disgusting! Billy's thoughts were choked.

Bella realized how panicked Billy was now and she was suddenly in a rush, "Soon," she ordered while opening the door to the truck and stepping out into the rain.

When the rain droplets ran down her face I could see them evaporate while the wind blew her rainy scent in my direction. I gripped her steering wheel so tightly I almost broke it off. She shut the door quickly and ran to the porch for protection from the rain.

I decided to keep my attention on the Blacks and not on the way Bella's scent was covered in a delicious sweetness.

"Hey, Billy. Hi, Jacob," Bella greeted them in a incredibly false pleased voice, "Charlie's gone for the day ?C I hope you haven't been waiting long."

Right, right, I don't believe she is worried about our wait at all. Billy thought with disappointment etched in every sagging line of his face. "Not long," Billy replied dully, "I just wanted to bring this up," he pointed to a brown paper sack in his lap.

I wonder when Charlie will be home. I still can't believe what I saw in her truck. Billy thoughts continued to curse me.

"Thanks," Bella responded in a confused voice, "Why don't you come in for a minute and dry off?" she offered.

She doesn't seem scared or nervous...not at all like she was just with a vampire. Billy was alight with a feverous fanatical burn.

Bella opened the door and showed them in. Before the door was shut I was out of the truck and pelting through the woods.
