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There is no scent of a vampire anywhere near us, Emmett thought while looking around the darkened grounds.

All clear here, Alice looked through the future. He'll show up, but he won't bother us...he wants her to himself.

Looking out through the window of the Jeep I could see no sign of the tracker. I was secretly hoping that he wouldn't show up. Putting Bella in the line of danger was burning holes through me.

"He's not here," my voice was tense. "Let's go," I firmly commanded.

I gave Emmett a tight nod and he started unbuckling Bella's harness. I could hear her pulse start to race as her breathing became harsh and ragged. Her breath filled my lungs, reminding me forcibly of the precious creature I would be protecting this evening.

She's human. "Don't worry, Bella," Emmett said in an amused voice, "we'll take care of things here quickly."

Moisture was beginning to build up in Bella's eyes and in that most fleeting of seconds I wanted to take her and run ?C run thousands of miles ?C just me and her, together.

That's not an option, Alice's vision swirled in her head before it went up in a wisp of smoke as I realized she was right. We should hurry, her thoughts were strained as the many smoky and shadowy figures shifted and disappeared with each decision that was being made.

"Alice, Emmett," I called.

I hope he's here! This is going to be so much fun! Emmett ran away gleefully.

Don't worry, Edward. We'll keep her safe. Alice slid silently into the trees.

Bella was showing extraordinary strength for someone so human. I swept out of the Jeep and opened the back door to see Bella's face which was still full of sadness and my protective side took a different turn as I took her hand and brought her to my side to comfort and protect her.

As the terror rose in my chest I was beginning to drag my feet reluctantly towards her door, where she would leave me to go inside. I knew the only safe place for her was in my arms. Our footsteps echoed in the silence but I was not oblivious to my surroundings as we walked; my eyes continually darting from every corner of the open space like we were in the middle of a war.

I hear someone approaching, Emmett resisted the temptation to attack but his thoughts were always wildly enthusiastic about the prospect.

"Fifteen minutes," I reminded Bella while stealing a glance to look at her face, an icy surge of terror rising in the pit of my stomach.

Tiny tears began seeping from beneath her eye lids as she looked up into my eyes. "I can do this," she sniffed like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

The lights on the porch were on, making her tears reflect the light as soon as we ascended the last step. She turned around to face me, bringing her warm hands to my face, sending a quivering feeling through my body in the most hostile of times.

"I love you," Bella said intensely. "I will always love you, no matter what happens now."

What did she think was going to happen to her? An odd chill ran up my spine. "Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella," I replied fiercely.

"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this, and I want to have the chance to apologize later," she looked up at me with her tear stained face.

I could feel my heart sinking as I took in her pitiful expression. Before I could show this emotion on my face I heard the thoughts of my family from the woods, distracting me again.

They're here ?C only James and Victoria. Alice thought flatly. Laurent went to see Carlisle ?C or ?C to warn him.

They are keeping their distance. They caught our scent. Emmett was still hoping for a fight.

Well, well, well... I heard James' thoughts. This is going to be a lot more fun than I realized, a laugh escaped his lips at the prospect of his new hunt.

"Get inside, Bella. We have to hurry," I said urgently while leaning over her protectively.

"One more thing," she whispered hastily. "Don't listen to another word I say tonight!"

Instantly her lips were on mine, sending warmth and pleasant electric shocks through my body. I forgot where I was for a fraction of a second before she pulled away, tears still streaming down her face. Her expression changed to searing anger, she turned on her heal and kicked the front door open.

"Go away, Edward!" her voice was a scream before she slammed the door in my face.

I stood there looking at the door in stunned disbelief; my breath being temporarily robbed. The feelings pulsing through me were oddly disembodying. Shrugging off the sensation as best I could, I continued to look around the cool misty grounds, stealing glances through my siblings' minds along with Charlie's. James continued to keep his distance even though his thoughts were smug and optimistic to the point of foolishness.

What is she doing? Emmett wondered. I underestimated her... hilarious, this should be entertaining!

"Bella?" Charlie called out anxiously at his daughter's angry words.

"Move closer and see if you can get a better look at what's going on," I heard James order Victoria. Better her neck than mine, James thought coldly.

"Leave me alone!" Bella shouted back at Charlie.

Charlie's thoughts were incoherent with panic at his daughter's obvious pain. He began pounding on her door while startling flashes of insight and thought filled my mind.

"The human is fighting with her father," Victoria told James after returning to him.

This I have to see, James thought menacingly.

He's on the move, Alice warned me.

If he gets too close I'll take care of him, Emmett thought pleasantly.

My eyes searched the forest for any sign of the tracker but came up empty. I continued to stand protectively below Bella's window. James moved in to hear the conversations going on inside the house but stayed clear of my vision. My concentration flew up fifteen feet to where Bella was.

"Bella, are you okay? What's going on?" Charlie called out, frightened.

"I'm going home," she shouted angrily.

It's almost believable ?C chuckle ?C this is getting good, Emmett's amusement was heightened at her acting.

"Did he hurt you?" Charlie asked, disjointed anger rising in his thoughts.

No...he protects her, James thought with great disgust.

At their thoughts I snapped. I flew through the air swiftly entering her bedroom through the window, starting to grab anything and everything from her dresser in a fierce attempt to speed the process.

"No!" Bella shouted back at her dad while she ran around her room, packing her belongings. She hadn't noticed my presence until she turned to her dresser. Her eyes found mine and they were full of sadness and guilt. Before I could pull her into my embrace we were interrupted.

"Did he break up with you?" Charlie asked, perplexed by her sudden angst.

"No!" Bella shrieked at Charlie again while shoving handfuls of clothes into her bag.

Victoria is heading to our house because she knows that we plan to bring Bella there. Alice informed me.

Charlie began beating on Bella's door, panic rushing his mind.

"What happened, Bella?" Charlie shouted through the door.

"I broke up with him!" she shouted back.

She was jerking her hand on the zipper of the bag so I caught her hand gently with mine and zipped it for her. I picked up the bag and gently placed it on her shoulder. "I'll be in the truck ?C go!" I whispered and lightly pushed her towards her door, trying to press the fact that we needed to get far away from James. I jumped out of the window.

"What happened?" Charlie asked when she opened her door, following her downstairs. "I thought you liked him?"

"I do like him ?C that's the problem. I can't do this anymore! I can't put down anymore roots here! I don't want to end up trapped in this stupid, boring town like Mom! I'm not going to make the same dumb mistake she did. I hate it ?C I can't stay here another minute!" Bella yelled in a desperate attempt to convince Charlie to let her go.

She's good, Emmett thought.

She is setting up an escape...clever, but not clever enough. James thought. Things are about to get real interesting, James sneered in his head.

"Bells, you can't leave now. It's nighttime," Charlie whispered to her with pure sadness in his voice. Charlie's shocked thoughts were over powering as each word lashed at him, causing him pain.

Oh yes she can. Come on little girl, come out to play. James snarled with great smugness.

I resisted the temptation to whip around and attack him.

That is not a good idea, Alice thought in hollow tones. Flashes of the future floated into her mind but disintegrated when I decided not to follow through with my plan.

"I'll sleep in the truck if I get tired," Bella responded to Charlie, her voice emotionless.

"Just wait another week," Charlie begged. "Ren??e will be back by then."

"What?" Bella stuttered.

We need to get her out of there, Alice pushed.

"She called while you were out." Charlie knew he had caught her off guard. "Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop."

Arizona is it? Surely she wouldn't actually go there. Hum... James' thoughts trailed off.

"I have a key," Bella retorted to Charlie's pitiful attempt at keeping her there.

That's right. Just come outside. James was wistful.

If it weren't for our presence James would have already attacked. I was instantly becoming nervous at our plan. Is this plan going to back fire? I wondered gravely. We would shortly be in her very slow truck driving several miles towards my house before she would be in the protective custody of seven vampires.

"Just let me go, Charlie." Bella said softly. "It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!"

This is really going to hurt Charlie, Alice thought sadly.

Bella walked out of the house. "I'll call you tomorrow!" she yelled back to Charlie.

She jumped into her truck and the engine roared to life. She backed out and squealed her tires on the asphalt as she sped away. I was running next to her truck and jumped in. She was trembling and tears were leaking out of her eye lashes in massive amounts.

"Pull over," I said softly.

"I can drive," she barely sputtered a sobbing protest.

Now the fun begins! James thought while running behind us.

I'm right behind you, Edward. Don't worry, he won't try anything, Alice reassured me.

I looked at Bella's face and pain knotted my stomach at the thought of her grief in this moment. I wanted to do something but I couldn't think of how to comfort her. She was barely staying in between the lines on the road, probably because her vision was blinded by more tears. I grabbed her waist and put my foot on the gas pedal, moving her warm body over mine until I was the one driving.

"You wouldn't be able to find the house," I tried to explain to her in a way that wouldn't upset her anymore than she already was.

The lights of the Jeep flashed across the truck and she turned to look out of the window, horror displayed in her eyes.

"It's just Alice," I immediately tried to soothe her by cradling her hand in mine. At my touch she sighed and began to relax, though her face showed a great sadness.

"The tracker?" Bella whispered. running behind us. Emmett's a few steps ahead of him, Alice informed me of the situation outside the truck but I was too intent on continued to leak from her eyes as she looked up at me.
