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"He heard the end of your performance," I said with the deepest of loathing while remembering his thoughts.

"Charlie?" she looked like she was going to choke from the word.

Alice quickly began scanning for Charlie's future - which was solidly there. His future looks bright, she added.

"The tracker followed us. He's running behind us now." I continued to try and calm her nerves.

"Can we outrun him?" she asked anxious and curious.

In that truck? Funny, Emmett mused.

"No," I pressed the gas pedal down to the floor, emphasizing Emmett's thoughts. The truck groaned, sputtered and continued to move at its regular fifty-five.

Nice try, but that truck isn't going any faster. Emmett thought before jumping in the back, highly amused by the whole situation.

A high pitched scream exited Bella's parted lips and I reached up, clamping my hand across her mouth to quiet her.

"It's Emmett," I explained while removing my hand from her face.

Her face was screwed up in anguish and terror so I wound my arm around her waist and brought her into my side. I felt better immediately at her closeness because this was the safest place for her to be.

"It's okay Bella," I promised, though I wasn't sure if my promise was empty. "You're going to be safe."

Her face still showed a twist of emotions: terror, panic, and sadness. Expelling all thoughts that were around me I concentrated every last particle of my mind on the one person who needed me most ?C Bella. I needed to distract her and to distract myself. I knew the best way to get her talking was to make an assumption, which she would undoubtedly correct for me - usually with a lengthy explanation.

"I didn't realize you were still so bored with small-town life," I began, looking sideways at her face. "It seemed like you were adjusting fairly well ?C especially recently. Maybe I was just flattering myself that I was making life more interesting for you."

"I wasn't being nice," she thwarted my attempts at a diversion while gazing down. "That was the same thing my mom said when she left him. You could say I was hitting below the belt."

"Don't worry. He'll forgive you," my lips turned up in an attempt to ease her pain.

She returned her gaze to mine and her eyes were still wide with panic.

"Bella, it's going to be all right."

"But it won't be all right when I'm not with you," her lips barely let the whisper escape.

"We'll be together again in a few days," I tightened my grip on her, realizing that I didn't ever want her to leave my protective custody. "Don't forget that this was your idea."

"It was the best idea ?C of course it was mine," she replied smugly and a smile crept up my face at the sign of a new emotion, but it was fleeting at best.

"Why did this happen?" she choked. "Why me?"

I stared out into the darkness realizing that it was my error. You idiot, moron! I knew that there were others in the vicinity and in a moment of happiness I forgot the dangers that could befall a human, especially one that smelled as tempting as she did.

"It's my fault ?C I was a fool to expose you like that." I replied with rage present in my voice.

"That's not what I meant," she said exasperated. "I was there, big deal. It didn't bother the other two. Why did this James decide to kill me? There're people all over the place, why me?"

In my attempt to block out all thoughts one still protruded into my mind, answering the question for me.

Because you are protected by seven vampires ?C something I have never come across. This is the best challenge, yet. I couldn't have asked for anything better than this! James thought hungrily for the hunt.

I hesitated before answering Bella's question, trying to word it in a way that wouldn't scare her beyond her current state of terror though the cold fury that was in every line of my face was obvious to her.

"I got a good look at his mind tonight," I began in a low voice. "I'm not sure if there's anything I could have done to avoid this, once he saw you. It is partially your fault." I looked at her reflection in the glass. "If you didn't smell so appallingly luscious, he might not have bothered. But when I defended you...well, that made it a lot worse. He's not used to being thwarted, no matter how insignificant the object. He thinks of himself as a hunter and nothing else. His existence is consumed with tracking, and a challenge is all he asks of life. Suddenly we've presented him with a beautiful challenge ?C a large clan of strong fighters all bent on protecting the one vulnerable element. You wouldn't believe how euphoric he is now. It's his favorite game, and we've just made it his most exciting game ever," I said in disgust.

I will win, James's thoughts were rapt and exultant.

I hesitated, trying to control the sensation that was building in my chest to pull over and attack. I controlled my urge and continued. "But if I had stood by, he would have killed you right then," I said, frustrated.

"I thought...I didn't smell the same to the I do to you," she said hesitantly.

"You don't. But that doesn't mean that you aren't still a temptation to every one of them. If you had appealed to the tracker ?C or any of them ?C the same way you appeal to me, it would have meant a fight right there."

I felt her quiver.

"I don't think I have any choice but to kill him now," I muttered. "Carlisle won't like it."

"How can you kill a vampire?" she asked through her petrified sobs.

Glad I'm not the one to tell her this one, Emmett chuckled and I ignored him.

My focus was solely on Bella. Her gaze met mine and I could see the darkness of my face and eyes as I spoke. "The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, and then burn the pieces."

"And the other two will fight with him?"

Always so full of questions, isn't she? Alice mused.

"The woman will. I'm not sure about Laurent. They don't have a very strong bond ?C he's only with them for convenience. He was embarrassed by James in the meadow..."

"But James and the woman ?C they'll try to kill you?" she choked.

You silly girl! You are the fragile one, the breakable one ?C the one that is being hunted, I internally replied. "Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and ?C please, please ?C trying not to be reckless." I pleaded.

"Is he still following?" she asked.

Yes, he's keeping his distance; he's pretty keen not to be seen. He won't come after Bella tonight, Alice informed me.

"Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not tonight." I replied while turning onto my driveway.

After the several mile drive to the house we could finally see the distant lights of the house becoming larger and clearer. I could immediately hear the thoughts of Laurent.

I can't believe they live like this ?C Amazing! I can't understand why they are planning on ruining all of this for a human. Laurent thought in astonishment.

He's at the forest edge, I'll grab Bella. Emmett thought while jumping out of the truck and running alongside it. When we were coming to a stop he opened the door and pulled Bella under his coat and ran her towards the house and through the front door, Alice and I at their side. Relief flowed through my veins now that she was inside, protected. Everyone stood at our arrival.

I can't believe this crap, Rosalie was muttering.

Oh thank heavens they are all right, Esme and Carlisle both thought, relieved.

Laurent stood in the mist of my family members, his eyes a gleaming ominous red, making the difference between us and them stand out.

What the hell is he doing in our house? I might get that fight after all, a feral snarl ripped up Emmett's throat, low and vibrating. He sat Bella down next to him, preparing to pounce.

"He's tracking us," I stared coldly at Laurent.

"I was afraid of that," Laurent frowned.

I could hear James as he began thinking strategy in his mind, he was going to meet up with Victoria who was already waiting for him a short distance from the house.

"What will he do?" Carlisle asked Laurent in chilling tones.

"I'm sorry," Laurent began. "I was afraid, when your boy there defended her, that it would set him off."

Same old games, Laurent thought angrily in his head.

"Can you stop him?" Carlisle questioned.

I'll stop him, Emmett roared internally.

"Nothing stops James when he gets started." Laurent answered while shaking his head in frustration.

"We'll stop him," Emmett promised him.

"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven." Laurent said doubtfully. His head began to shake back and forth again, this time in confusion. Why her? What is so special about this human girl that would make them want to provoke such a vicious hunter? He stole a look at Bella, and then turned back to Carlisle, perplexed by the situation. "Are you sure it's worth it?"

A growl formed in my stomach and ripped up my throat so loudly that it had him cringing away from me in fear.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice." Carlisle said gravely.

This is one hell of a life style to live in. But James ?C I could never defeat James. They mentioned something about a settlement in Denali. "I'm intrigued by the life you've created here. But I won't get in the middle of this. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James. I think I will head north ?C to that clan in Denali," should I warn them? Oh, why not! "Don't underestimate James. He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on...I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. Truly sorry."

"Go in peace," Carlisle said quietly.

Hum, I hope it is like this in Denali, Laurent wondered, looking around before sweeping out of the house, his thoughts fading with distance.

Carlisle turned to meet my gaze. "How close?"

I'm going to seal off all entrances to the house, Esme thought while walking over to the wall, pressing a key pad - making large metal walls creek and groan as they sealed up the glass wall.

"About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female." I explained.

Just drop her off at the river's bank and get this over with, Rosalie sneered in her head. I ignored her thoughts.

"What's the plan?" Carlisle asked.

"We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south." I explained to him in a hurry.

South? Interesting choice. "And then?" Carlisle asked.

"As soon as Bella is clear, we hunt him." I replied darkly.

Well, we know we won't let them hurt Bella. "I guess there's no other choice," Carlisle agreed but his lips were turned down into a frown.

I turned to Rosalie. She needed to learn that Bella is now a part of our family. "Get her upstairs and trade clothes," I commanded.

Her thoughts sputtered incoherently for several seconds before anger surged through her mouth. "Why should I?" she said vehemently. "What is she to me? Except a menace ?C a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us."

"Rose...," Emmett put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off.

Please ignore her, she'll come around one of these days, please, Emmett begged for Rosalie.

With everything that Emmett has been doing for me lately I decided that I would do something for him. I ignored Rosalie's jibe and changed tack in the speed of light.

I'll do it, Edward. Esme suggested.

I turned to her, "Esme?"

"Of course," she responded immediately. Esme flew to Bella's side and without flinching brought her into her grasp and raced upstairs.

Once Bella was upstairs everyone was in a hurry, running around packing their belongings or preparing for their independent trips. I continued to ignore Rosalie's thoughts as they grew meaner and more visual.

"Rosalie, you will take Bella's truck. Esme will go with you," I commanded.

"You want me to ride in that...that...thing?" she barked.

"Please, Rose. Do it for me," Emmett asked softly.

"I won't!" she hissed loudly.

"Rosalie, Bella is part of this family and you will treat her with respect, do you understand me?" Carlisle's voice became firm.

"Fine," Rose snapped at us and then stalked away. I could feel the angry satisfaction on my face.

I'm coming with you to hunt James. Maybe we can talk him out of this nonsense and can spare his life, Carlisle thought wishfully.

Esme and Bella appeared down the stairs only a few minutes after they went up, both of them changed. It was an odd sensation to smell Bella all over Esme but we were in a hurry so I informed Bella of our plan. "Esme and Rosalie will be taking your truck, Bella," I said while passing her to grab a cell phone that Carlisle was giving to each family member.

"Alice, Jasper ?C take the Mercedes. You'll need the dark tint in the south."

We'll keep her safe, Edward...promise. I'll miss you. Alice thought while Jasper silently nodded in approval of the plan.

"We're taking the Jeep," I told Bella.

"Alice," Carlisle asked, "will they take the bait?"

Alice closed her eyes while swirls of colors flashed and danced around until she solidly saw their path. "He'll track you. The woman will follow the truck. We should be able to leave after that"

"Let's go." I'll give you a minute, Carlisle thought but there was still a bite of impatience in his thoughts ?C we had to hurry.

I rushed over to Bella, not even hesitating while I brought her into my tight embrace, letting her body warm every inch of mine. The monster, desire, was still positively, solidly there. I placed my hand under her chin, bringing her lips to mine. Euphoria splashed through my hectic nerves - calming them, though the electricity reminded me that I was doing this for her, that I would die for her - to protect her. In seconds the kiss was over and I could feel the slight tearing of my body as I placed her back on the ground. I kept her face in my hands, communicating silently the love I had for her as tears strolled down her pink cheeks, her face eloquent with despair. It was time to go, so I wretched myself away from her and then I was gone, a chill filling my stomach.

I ran to the jeep, hoping into the passenger's side. Carlisle was driving and Emmett was in the back, we took off, driving north. James caught my scent easily and began chasing after us in the Jeep. I picked up the phone to call Esme. It only rang once, "Go now," I ordered.

I could still here the thoughts of Victoria as we speed away. Rosalie and Esme fired up Bella's truck and drove east. Victoria caught the smell of Bella and took off after her truck. I called Alice, even though I was positive she already knew. She answered her phone before it even rang, "Victoria is on their trail," I informed her. "It's time."
