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Gardener stared at William. “Don’t worry, Mr Corndell, we will. And the next time we pay you a visit, we will have that warrant.”

“I can’t wait, Mr Gardener.”

Chapter Forty-two

Gardener pushed open the stage door. Reilly followed him down the steps towards Albert Fettle’s office. Nothing had changed. The little spot of cleaning that Fett

le had claimed he was doing last time was still unfinished.

He heard Fettle’s voice before he saw him. The door leading into the theatre opened and he appeared with Paul Price close behind, the latter bearing a distinctively unhappy expression as he saw the two detectives.

“Hey up, how are you doing?” shouted Fettle. He continued without waiting for an answer. “You two know how to time things right, don’t you? I’ve just brewed a pot of tea and I’ve some of my favourites to go with it. Nice packet of fig rolls.”

“Can I reopen my theatre, yet?” asked Paul Price.

“Answer another couple of questions for me, Mr Price, and I don’t see why not,” replied Gardener.

“So, it’s not me you want, then?” asked Fettle.

“All in good time, shorty,” said Reilly.

“Come on, get yourselves in here, this tea’s nearly mashed.”

While Fettle continued with the tea, Gardener addressed Price. “How long have you worked here, Mr Price?”

“I’m sure I answered that question on your first visit.”

“Then refresh my memory.”

“Thirty years.”

“Does the name William Henry Corndell ring any bells?”

Price hesitated. “As a matter of fact, it does, just can’t think why.”

“Has he ever worked here?”

“Not to my knowledge.”

“Is it likely that he has, but under a different name?”

“That’s always possible. I can check the files, if you could give me more details.”

Gardener turned to his partner. “Sean, will you go and check the files with Mr Price, see what you can come up with?” He then added, “Leave me your notebook before you go.”

“Here,” said Fettle. “Best take your tea.”

“You said I might be able to reopen, when will that be?” asked Price.

“As soon as you find out what we need to know.”

Price gestured for Reilly to follow him. Gardener entered Fettle’s room and took a sip of tea.

“You still chasing this Corndell bloke, then?”

“Any news from your friend at Her Majesty’s?”

Both men sat down. “Aye, there is. He never played the part of the Phantom.”
