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Pollard stood up fast and his chair crashed to the ground, but the Irishman was much quicker.

“Sit down, Pollard! We’ve told you once already.” Reilly held Pollard’s stare, and the ex-con finally picked up the chair and sat back on it.

“You stand up once more, and we’re out of here,” said Reilly. “And you can wait for your solicitor. Do you understand me?”

Pollard nodded, and Reilly mentioned it for the benefit of the tape.

Gardener wasted no time. “Sonia Knight.”

Pollard’s foul mood continued. “It doesn’t matter who she is.”

“Oh, but it does,” said Gardener. “It matters to me and DS Reilly, and we want to know what you know about Sonia Knight. Who is she?”

After some time, Pollard answered. “She’s the friend I’ve been seeing in Bramfield. You know, the one whose husband won’t like me giving out the details.”

“You’re lying, Pollard,” said Reilly.


“I said you’re lying. We know damn well that she doesn’t live in Bramfield.”

“And so do you,” said Gardener.

“Well, if you know that, why do you need me to tell you?”

“One more chance,” said Gardener. “And believe me, I am not bluffing when I say we’re out of here until Wednesday.”

Pollard hesitated, and Gardener eased his chair back a little.

“Okay, okay. She’s Lance Hobson’s girlfriend.”

“See,” said Reilly. “Didn’t hurt, did it?”

“What’s the connection between you and Lance Hobson’s girlfriend?” Gardener asked.

“We’re good friends, nothing special.”

“It will be if Hobson finds out.”

“He’s not going to, is he?”

“I wouldn’t put money on that,” said Reilly. “Now, stop lying. Why are you seeing her?” When Pollard didn’t answer, Reilly continued.

“Is it because you want revenge for what he did to you in prison? Is he muscling in on your territory, Jackie lad? Maybe you’re not seeing Sonia Knight in the way that she thinks. Maybe you’re using her to set him up for something. Take over his patch.”

Pollard shook his head repeatedly, and Gardener knew they were on to something.

“Or maybe,” continued Reilly, “you’re setting them both up. You intend to get rid of them both. That way there’s no opposition.”

“What vivid imaginations you two have.”

“Comes with the job,” said Gardener. “It’s very difficult dealing with scum day in, day out, without some of it rubbing off.” He decided to switch topics again to keep Jackie on his toes. “What about Alex Wilson?”

Pollard seemed a little more alert. “What about him?”

“I’ve just asked you that.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t know anything about Wilson.”
