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“They wouldn’t know Roger,” said Reilly.

“What I’m getting at is this: is Roger armed?”

That silenced everyone. It was something Gardener hadn’t really considered.

“I know he’s military but I don’t think he thinks he needs anything to see this lot off,” said Reilly. “They’re no match for him and he’s proved it.”

“Fair point,” said Sharp, “but we have no idea what kind of finale he’s planning, have we?”

“No,” said Gardener, “and we’re not going to find out standing here. I’m with Sean, I don’t think he’s armed so on my head be it.”

“Might not be your fucking head that comes off,” said Rawson, laughing, nervously.

“If it is we’ll bury it with honours,” said Reilly.

“You’re all heart,” said Gardener, “let’s get moving.”

Each of the men set about their tasks. Gardener and Reilly turned and walked toward the offices with Paul Benson, Patrick Edwards, Julie Longstaff and Sarah Gates.

“What if he’s in there, sir?” said Patrick.

“He’ll definitely be in there, son,” said Reilly, “it’s just a case of where.”

“That’s not what I meant. What if he’s in the offices?”

By the time it had been said, Gardener was pulling open the door, peering inside. He saw an office, a computer, chairs, and CCTV cameras. The only other thing of note was a carrier bag abandoned under one of the chairs, which he figured was alien to the scene.

“All clear,” said Gardener.

Everyone trooped inside. Gardener studied the room, noticed a pair of feet behind the counter. He motioned to Reilly to approach with caution.

Reilly pointed to the others to remain where they were, whilst he crept around the side of the counter.

He bent down, standing back up within seconds. “Too late,” he said.

Gardener walked forward. “Who is it?”

“Zoe Harrison, but she’s not looking her best.”

Gardener reached Reilly and bent down. The Lord only knew what Roger Hunter had done to her but the end would not have been pleasant, especially considering how he’d treated James Henshaw and Michael Foreman.

“What do you think?” he asked Reilly.

> “No idea, boss. Something nasty – looking at her.”

Gardener stood up and faced the only door in the room that would take them into the unknown.

“Well, he’s not in here, is he?”

“So he must be in there.” Reilly nodded to the door.

Gardener glanced at the others. “Can you stay here, make sure no one comes through the door and tries to leave.”

“Unless it’s us,” added Reilly with a smile.

Chapter Fifty-nine

Once through the door, Anthony received the first of two shocks. One was the fact that it was pitch black, and his eyes were completely unaccustomed to it. He immediately turned tail, reaching for the door handle. When he found it and tried to turn it, nothing happened. The door wouldn’t open to allow him back into the reception area.
