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“Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I have stuff to do! I must find Delyse, Claudia, and Amelia and tell them everything about Schloss Blackmane and the mating ritual.”

“Don’t give them too many juicy details.”

“What are you even thinking? Of course I will! What do you men think women talk about when they’re alone? I’m actually going to start with the juicy details.”

Max laughed and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger on her soft skin for a long minute. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With a last glance, he turned around and headed to the door.

“And, Max...” Avelyn called after him, her voice filled with emotion, but determined, “Please don?

??t hurt her...”


Burning for Revenge

“So, where has Amelia’s Prince Charming taken her?” Avelyn, Delyse, and Claudia were sitting on the soft carpet, with a huge tray of chocolate chip cookies and meringues between them. Miss Potts had been extra generous, and they were already almost full without even finishing half of the goodies. After a rich late lunch, the delicious dessert was more than welcome. Avelyn had found out about Amelia’s successful transaction right after Max left and she went down to the cafeteria to join Delyse and Claudia, but then she got sidetracked by their questions about her new home and family, and she didn’t get the chance to ask them for details. Now that they were back in their room and Avelyn had told them all the sweet, romantic details of the mating ritual and about the unexpected telepathic connection between her and Max, she could finally take a break from her story and find out more about Amelia. It seemed she had been bought by a quite influential Inari of the fox-shifter clans.

“Alaska,” said Delyse simply.

Avelyn almost choked on her meringue. “Alaska?”

“Yeah, I know,” explained Claudia, “she wasn’t thrilled either. Hell, I wouldn’t be happy about it, and I don’t even like hot weather that much. But Alaska is going to be one cold place for Amelia.”

“Not what I was thinking…” thought Avelyn, but she didn’t say it out loud, even if she was tempted to. After all, why wouldn’t she say it? Why wouldn’t she tell her best friends in the world about the fox clan in Alaska and her clan’s suspicion of the five-tailed Inari? It wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? “Who am I kidding?” Yes, both Delyse and Claudia knew about Sabine and the cure, but that was something else. It was personal, and Avelyn could trust them with her personal problems because she knew they would never do anything to hurt her. However, when it came to the clan’s political affairs… She was a Blackmane now. She needed to have the clan’s interests at heart, and if Amelia’s Inari was the same Inari Karl had been investigating in Alaska, then Avelyn had to tread carefully. No, Delyse and Claudia would never hurt her or put her in danger, but none of them knew who they would end up marrying. For now, what Karl was doing could be easily called espionage, which was very much illegal and risky, especially for someone who served as an adviser in the Council.

“It sounds fairly awful,” Avelyn finally said. “Did you get to see him? The guy, I mean… Is he hot? If he is, then he might be able to keep her warm even if he takes her to the North Pole.”

“No,” said Delyse. “He sent his Beta, or Yako, as foxes would call him, to pick a bride for him. Apparently, Amelia’s Prince Charming is a very reclusive kind of guy. He’s the heir of one of the most powerful fox clans in the world, but he almost never makes public appearances.”

“I wonder why…”

“Amelia didn’t have time to tell us much,” intervened Claudia. “The Beta guy, Seth I think was his name, gave her two hours to pack her things. Everything happened really fast. Oh, and I remember how tired and distressed Amelia was after the interview. She actually said it sucked the life out of her. So many questions, personality tests, and requests…”

“Maybe he wanted to make sure she was perfect for his Inari, who knows?” offered Avelyn. “Any idea what clan they belong to?”

“Sylfur,” answered Delyse. “Amelia said they are quite influential. Their main Inari is the proud owner of five tails, but she said she has no idea how many tails her future husband has.”

“So, she’s not going to marry the main Inari?”

“No, she was bought for the heir, aren’t you listening? The main Inari is an old fart who’s probably going to die soon,” said Claudia. “For some reason, he kept his position until the last moment.”

Avelyn had no doubt they were talking about the same clan the Blackmanes were suspicious of. That was why it wasn’t a good idea to talk about the clan’s political views and intentions. Amelia had just been married off to someone who could be an enemy. Of course, they weren’t sure yet, but there were clues that indicated to the fact that the fox-shifters might be planning something. Everyone knew they had never fully agreed to the peace treaty. Who knew who Delyse and Claudia were going to marry? With a bit of luck, Delyse would probably be sold to an Alpha wolf, but Claudia belonged to House Ursi. A bear-shifter was waiting for her in the near future.

“Are you okay?” asked Delyse. She waived a hand in front of Avelyn’s eyes.

“Oh, yes. Why?”

“You’ve been spacing out.”

“I think I’m just tired. And scared. I can’t stop thinking about Sabine.”

“Everything will be fine, you’ll see,” said Claudia encouragingly. “They will catch her and her rogue pack, and then it will be safe for you to go back home. Although, we really don’t mind having you around.”

Avelyn looked at Claudia, then at Delyse, and gave them a big, warm smile. The two girls were so different. Delyse was blonde and petite, with fragile bones and an almost translucent complexion. Claudia’s chocolate skin, short, frizzy hair, and ridiculously full lips contrasted with the other’s features, which made them an interesting sight to see when they were together. Come to think of it, Avelyn was very different too. Reddish blonde hair, round face, and generous curves. The three of them were the epitome of beauty in completely different ways, shapes, colors, and sizes. “But where did Amelia fit in?” Avelyn asked herself. She never thought she would miss her so much. Amelia, with her soft, brown hair, heart-shaped face, and big green eyes; probably the only Alma Venus student who had seen the boarding school as a chance to build a future for herself and find peace and happiness.
