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Max thought about Claudia and Delyse, and bit the inside of his cheek. For the thousandth time in the past few months he had to accept that he couldn’t give his wife absolutely everything she wanted or needed, no matter how much he tried. He didn’t care. He was going to keep trying. They were friends with Viggo now, even though Avelyn hated his guts. Maybe she would forgive him if they kept in touch after Eric Drekinn took Delyse as his bride. Once Delyse was out of Alma Venus, they could still be friends, especially since the girl would marry an ally of Clan Blackmane. Then, Claudia would be the only one left. If he remembered well, she was an Ursi bride. Maybe it was time to suggest to Karl it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to settle down.

Dr. Stevens squeezed Max’s shoulder one last time and headed back to the hospital building. Max contemplated the man’s calm, steady steps for a moment, then followed him. Yes, things were under control. And those that weren’t… he would figure them out.


Avelyn couldn’t believe how much she had missed this bedroom. Her eyes moved from the high ceiling to the open curtains that revealed a perfect blue sky, then to her desk, the sofa, and, finally, the clock on the wall. It was almost lunch time. A sharp, merciless pang of pain went straight through her heart. Just a few months ago, Christine had been the one who brought her meals in bed. She had had breakfast at the hospital, just before a car arrived to drive them to Max’s private jet. When she got to Schloss Blackmane, she felt so tired that she had to sleep for a couple more hours. Now she was wide awake and the helpless victim of the harsh reality. She closed her eyes and moved her hands under the duvet to trace the roundness of her belly. The baby was growing fast. She was only two months pregnant, but she looked to be in her fourth month.

“A son…” she whispered. Christine had used her last breath to tell her and Max they would have a son. She believed her. Since the mating ritual and the discovery of the telepathic connection she had with Max, she had accepted that some kind of magic existed in the shape-shifter’s world. Had they buried Christine? What about Sabine? She had so many questions, and when she heard Max’s soft steps down the corridor, she made an effort to sit up in bed and prop herself on the big pillows.

“I noticed you were finally up, so I asked Harold to prepare a quick, delicious lunch for you,” said Max as soon as he entered the room. “It’s very nutritious too.”

Avelyn smiled and closed her eyes when Max placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Stop spying on me when I’m unconscious,” she said.

“I’m not spying on you… I just check from time to time to make sure you’re all right.”

“I’m fine. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you… If you prod my mind while I’m asleep, can you… like… see my dreams?”

Max set the tray on the nightstand and sat down beside her. “Just flashes. Nothing clear or coherent. Why? Have you been having naughty dreams?”

Avelyn laughed and reached for the glass of orange juice on the tray. “Not lately.” She drank half of it.

Max watched her in silence. She did look a bit better, even though she was still pale and had huge bags under her gorgeous blue eyes. He found her free hand and guided it to his lips to press a long, lingering kiss on her knuckles. “Did you sleep well, my love?”

“Oh yes. Much better than on that old, creaky hospital bed.” She put the glass down, but didn’t show any interest in the food. She didn’t feel particularly hungry. “Tell me… How is everyone? Is Jocelyn okay? Is she still in bed? How about Caleb? I can’t even begin to imagine what he’s going through… Val… Oh God…” Tears stung at the back of her eyes, and she willed them away. She was tired of crying. It didn’t do any good, it didn’t relieve the pain.

“Shh… don’t think about that. They are both okay. Caleb and Daniel have healed completely, and Jocelyn is resting. Ryan refuses to leave her side, so she’s in very good hands.”

“Have you… Have you buried…” she choked on her words and took a deep breath before trying again. “Have you buried Christine and the other wolves?”

“Yes. Karl and his Beta took care of everything. I’m sorry, but they couldn’t wait for us.”

“I understand.” She made a long pause.

“You need to eat.” Max placed the tray on her lap and removed the lid from the bowl of chicken soup. Avelyn scrunched her nose at the smell. “Come on, honey, make an effort. I know you don’t feel like eating. Hell… I’ve barely eaten a sandwich and some yogurt today. But our son is going to turn you into a zombie if you don’t keep your energy levels up.”

“Ugh… the smell makes me sick.” Nonetheless, she use

d her spoon to fish out a piece of potato and chewed on it slowly.

“That’s my girl,” said Max, a big smile on his face.

“Oh, shut up.”

She ate in silence for a couple of minutes, and Max felt content watching her. He would take good care of her from now on. He’d never leave the Schloss if it wasn’t a matter of life and death. And even then he could very well send Kevin to take care of things. When Avelyn finished her soup, he took the tray away and lay down in bed, beside her. He took her in his arms, and she rested her head on his chest, eyes closed, enjoying the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Viggo is leaving this evening,” said Max carefully.

Avelyn’s eyes snapped open. Well, there went her moment of peace. “Good. I don’t want him around.”

“He’s a good guy, Avelyn. He did the only thing that could stop Sabine and her allies even if it was a hard call to make.”

“I doubt it was hard for him. He was supposed to scare them, scatter them into the woods, not kill everyone. If I had known what he intended to do, I wouldn’t have let him go.”

“And we’d all be dead now. Sabine and the fox-shifters were winning. If he had been just five minutes late, Jocelyn wouldn’t have been here with us. It was the only way. We all knew it, but none of us had the courage to do what had to be done. Viggo was an outsider, so he took that burden from us.”

“He didn’t save Christine…”
