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“Val from…”


“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Now, her cheeks were really hurting. “I’m sorry, I… I was around and… I couldn’t help but hear… You must know, I wasn’t listening. It was not my intention. I overheard, and I thought I should just come and introduce myself.”

“You won’t tell Max, will you?” Blurted Rosanna, worry in her beautiful green eyes. Val squeezed the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

“Tell Max what?” Avelyn feinted confusion.

“I just… I feel like a fool now. I promise I didn’t mean it. You see, Val just got here and I was trying to… to…”

“All right, stop,” Val interrupted her. “I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I started asking some inappropriate questions, and Rosanna has somewhat of a big mouth…”

“What are you guys talking about?” Avelyn could not believe how silly they were being. Was that the best they could do to defend themselves? Their social skills sucked.

“How much did you hear?” asked Val.

“Well… something about a Lacey, and an Amanda…”

“They’re ancient history!” Rosanna’s cheeks had become rosy with embarrassment, and she seemed eager to tell Avelyn anything she wanted to hear.

“Okay. What about the… other one?”


“No, not that one. Maybe I missed the name…”

Val sighed and started playing with her braid. Should she try to save Rosanna from digging herself deeper?

“I… don’t know what you mean.” All of a sudden, it was like the blonde girl didn’t want to be there anymore.

Avelyn watched them suspiciously. They both looked harmless enough. Just two friends gossiping around a corner with no intention to actually hurt anyone.

“Look,” Avelyn began. “I know I am new here and I know that I’m not exactly what everyone expected. It was not my intention to cause such an awkward situation. If you just gave me a chance, you’d see I’m not that bad. At least, I think I’m not.” This time, she tried to give them a genuine smile, even though she still felt angry about what she had heard earlier. But, more than angry, she was curious. Lacey, Amanda, Shelly, the other one. “She’ll end up like the other one.” What did they mean?

“Just for the record,” said Val. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Gee, thanks.” Rosanna gave her a reproachful look. “Some friend you are.”

Avelyn laughed. “You two remind me of my friends at Alma Venus. We always supported each other, but there were times when one of us would get herself into such deep shit that it was stupid to expect the others to follow her suit.”

Rosanna and Val exchanged a hesitating glance.

“So, Rosanna,” continued Avelyn. “I gather that you are a Crescent?”


“Maybe you could help me learn more about the pack, what do you say?” What was Avelyn trying to do? She wasn’t sure herself. “I spent the past week with Christine, and she helped me a lot. But I really miss talking to someone my age.”

“I… don’t think either of us is your age,” said Val reluctantly.

“Oh, silly me. You’re right.” Of course, how could she have forgotten something like this? All the werewolves at the Schloss, except the very old ones, looked like they were in their mid-twenties or early-thirties. In reality, they could be as old as 250-300. Only after 300 years old their body started showing signs of growing old. “Well, you know what I mean.”

“Not really. No.” Apparently, Val was not the funny kind. No wonder. An Alpha like Jocelyn could suck the life a

nd fun out of anyone.

“Shut up, Val”. Rosanna punched her friend in the shoulder then turned to Avelyn. “I know exactly what you mean. I can be your guide, if you want.”
