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“I thought I wasn’t allowed to leave the Schloss.”

Her words hit him like a hammer. “I was such an idiot. She never deserved to be treated like that.” He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed every single knuckle.

“Avelyn, I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I’m sorry for locking you up in the bedroom for a week. Will you ever forgive me?”

“Well, this has taken an unexpected turn,” she thought. Big bad Alpha Maxwell von Liar was actually apologizing? She must’ve been dreaming.

“There’s nothing to forgive, baby. I guess I didn’t make it easy on you.”

“I’ll never do that to you again. Ever. I love you, Avelyn.”

“Of course you won’t, jerk. I won’t be here to give you the chance.”

“I love you too, Max,” she said instead. If he could look her in the eyes and lie to her face, then she could do the same. Two could play at this game.

“So, who do you want to take with you tomorrow?”

“I don’t have many choices. Rosanna and Val?”

“Rosanna? Aren’t you mad at her?” Max would have pretty much preferred if Avelyn had stayed away from Rosanna.

“No. It was my own fault I misunderstood the whole Shelly business. She’s a nice girl, really. I like her. She’s all hyper and bubbly all the time.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

“And Val is rather silent and broody. She’s got that grumpy cat thing about her.”

Max laughed. He had to admit Avelyn was a good judge of character. “All right then. It’s settled. I’ll tell Caleb he’s booked for tomorrow. He’s a bit of a grumpy cat himself. A day out shopping with you girls will do him good.”

“Poor guy!”

Max loved it when Avelyn laughed. Her eyes lit up, and her perfect, white teeth could almost blind him. He kissed her smiling lips, and squeezed her in a crushing hug. She struggled a bit in his strong arms only to give up a second later. She had better chances of breathing if she let him do his thing. Yes, Avelyn didn’t deserve to be locked up in a castle. She was young, beautiful, and full of energy. She needed freedom and she needed to have fun. She didn’t deserve to be lied to either. He’d have to figure that out one day. Sooner rather than later. He couldn’t risk her finding out about Sabine before he told her himself. She’d take it all wrong.



The end of April announced a warm, sunny May and a hot summer. Avelyn tipped her head towards the sky and closed her eyes, enjoying the sun on her pale skin and the sound of cars around her. Finally, she felt like she was back to civilization. They were walking towards the car because Caleb really needed to get rid of the girls’ bags. He had been a real gentleman when he had offered to carry all their bags with newly bought clothes, perfumes, and jewelry, but he surely hadn’t expected to need more than two hands for the task. Val hadn’t bought much. Just a leather jacket that really got her attention, and a new pair of boots. Rosanna and Avelyn, though, had tried on all the pretty clothes they had set their eyes on, and bought at least half of them. Avelyn was feeling quite satisfied for having gone crazy with Max’s credit card. She felt much more relaxed and pleased with herself. Yes, shopping was great therapy.

“Wanna grab lunch after we drop off the bags?” asked Avelyn. “My treat.”

“You mean Max’s treat,” said Val.

Avelyn laughed and shrugged her shoulders. “Rosanna, Caleb? Aren’t you hungry?”

“I could eat a cow!” said Rosanna.

“I wouldn’t mind a coffee,” said Caleb. The shopping spree had only lasted a little over three hours, but he was dead tired. Not because he had been forced to follow them from one shop to another and give his opinion on every piece of clothing they had tried on, but because he had had to listen to all their girl talk. Even Val had been girlier than usual.

“Then it’s settled. Do any of you know a nice place around here?”

“I know a pub,” said Rosanna. “It’s not far. We can walk.”

Dunkelstadt was by no means a big city. Still, it was bigger than Myrtle Valley, and Avelyn was enjoying her day out. At Alma Venus, they were allowed to go to Myrtle Valley on weekends, but only in group and with a Guardian. However, the small town didn’t have much to offer, so Avelyn rarely went. They reached Caleb’s black, fancy car, and he threw all their things in the trunk.

“Careful with that, idiot!” screamed Rosanna. “You’re going to break my perfume bottles.”

“I honestly don’t understand why you needed three,” he retorted.
