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“I’ll try to be more specific. You don’t have the right education. If you had been a wolf-bride, you would have known the werewolves’ ways and respected them. You’re taking everything for granted. I haven’t seen you try to learn anything about our culture and traditions. Instead, you’ve proudly displayed your knowledge about the werefoxes at a table surrounded by wolves.”

“You needed my insight.”

“Did we?” Jocelyn huffed scornfully. “You don’t have the right attitude. Every time I look at you I see a pig-headed vixen who thinks too highly of herself and believes she has the right to look down on everyone. You treat Max as if he’s your doormat, not your Alpha.”

“What? I’d never…”

“You wanted me to talk. Shut up and take it. A wolf-bride would have been modest, obedient, and would have known her place. Every time you open your mouth, you remind everyone you’re a fox-bride to your fingertips. You’re obnoxious, sly, and insidious just like a fox. Trust me, I’ve spent enough time keeping an eye on them to recognize the traits.”

“So, you’re accusing me of being… me.”

“Pretty much, yes. Of course, it can’t be helped. I’m not a moron, I know it’s not your fault.”

“Gee thanks. I was getting worried…”

“Sarcasm. A wolf-bride wouldn’t even know the word.”

“You’re pretty sarcastic yourself, you know that? And you claim to be a she-wolf to your fingertips.”

“Clever comebacks. A wolf-bride would bite her tongue before spitting those out. There’s a difference between you and me, and it won’t change in the least when the mating ritual is over and you become bride of the main Alpha: I am a born Alpha werewolf, you are a human female whose sole purpose is to bear children. I lead, you follow. You’re a pawn, nothing more.”

/> “My children may become Alphas one day.”

“My point exactly. You’re a pawn. You bear them, give birth to them, and our packs raise them to become the next leaders. That will never make you more important than you are now.”

“I don’t believe you,” Avelyn closed her book and sat up on the bench, her back straight. “I think you’re trying to make me feel bad.”

Jocelyn pondered for a second. “That too. You’re lucky because Max is so infatuated with you. If he was in his right mind, he would have disciplined you by now.”

“And what do you call the fact that he locked me up in a room for one week?”

“That was nothing. Look what good it did. None.”

“Wonderful…” Avelyn couldn’t believe Jocelyn’s words. Was she really speaking her mind? Was she honest?

“Oh, and let’s not forget you’re not even the right size.”

“What’s wrong with my size?” No way, she was not going to criticize her body.

Jocelyn rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you noticed you’re the biggest girl around here?”

“And how’s that a problem? Max likes me just the way I am. He would have chosen Delyse if he had wanted a skinny girl.”

“Lily. I wanted to break his neck when he told me he had chosen you over Lily Harington. You’ve no idea what political advantages that girl would have brought to the clan. Which reminds me: you don’t seem to be on the right side either.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know so many things about the werefoxes. You seemed so passionate about their weird customs when Karl was here…”

“Then, why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you agree to the mating ritual?”

Jocelyn broke into genuine laughter. “I didn’t have a choice. Max is a big boy, he can do what he wants. He doesn’t need the family’s blessing to marry whomever he has a boner for.”

“So… you’re not going to try and stop the ritual…” Was she pushing it too far?
