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“Then, what’s wrong.”


“We’ve been over this a dozen times. She doesn’t love the situation, but she doesn’t hate it either. She cares too much about me to cause any troubles, and you two will eventually grow closer in time, you’ll see.”

“But what if…” She had to tread carefully. She had one shot at this, and she couldn’t afford to blow it.

“What?” Max’s thumb reached over her shoulder to touch the tip of her nose playfully. It was his way of encouraging her to continue.

“I don’t know… I’ve been thinking about something, but it’s stupid.”

“Nothing you think about is stupid, sweetie. Just tell me. You’ve made me curious now, you can’t back down.” He squeezed her shoulder gently and leaned dow

n to place a kiss on her warm skin.

“I… I want to give you a baby.”

His hands froze on her shoulders and for a few seconds he couldn’t breathe. Had he heard her right, or was he dreaming? He felt her muscles tense again under his fingers, and he tried to clear his mind. “Where… where did that come from?”

“Shit,” she thought. “That’s not the reaction I was aiming for.”

“It might be early, I know.”

“Not at all, it’s not early. It’s just… unexpected. You’ve never mentioned this before. Why now?”

“I know how important it is to the clan to have an heir. I’ve made my homework, so to speak, and I know how well regarded a bride is if she is already pregnant during the full moon ritual. It’s like an insurance policy that she is the right Alpha bride for the pack, and the wolves respect her more. I was thinking that if you give me more time, until next month, and we try to conceive a baby, then I can win Jocelyn over and start on the right foot with her.”

“Wow!” Max was truly shocked. He wasn’t sure how to react. He rubbed his beard in deep thought, trying to sort out his feelings. On one hand, what Avelyn was saying was wonderful. It was the perfect plan to have the entire clan root for her. They would love her the second she’d tell them she was carrying Max’s baby. On the other hand, for the life of him he couldn’t understand why she had such an obsession with gaining the wolves’ trust and love, especially his sister’s. Avelyn? The stubborn, selfish, arrogant vixen Avelyn? Yes, he loved her, but that didn’t mean he was blind to her little flaws. Although… she had changed a lot in the past month. It was obvious she wasn’t the girl he had brought from Alma Venus anymore. Maybe, just maybe she was doing this because she genuinely loved him. It was true she had never expressed her desire to have children before, but people changed. Their goals and dreams changed.

“I… I’m sorry,” whispered Avelyn. He was being too silent, and his silence scared her. She had really messed up, hasn’t she? “If I said something wrong… I didn’t mean to. I know how much this means to you and your clan. I’m not joking around, Max. This is not a game. I’m being serious.”

He sighed heavily and it felt good. It felt like he had expelled all his doubts and worries with the exhaled air. He smiled and kissed her shoulder, letting his lips linger on her flushed skin. “Thank you. This is the best news you’ve ever given me… that you want to bear my baby.”

Avelyn could finally breathe in relief. “Yeah, well… you should start getting used to receiving great news. Next one on the list: showing you the positive pregnancy test.”

Max laughed and hugged her from behind, not caring that the hot water spilled over the edge of the tub right onto his jeans. “You’re wonderful, Avelyn. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Max,” she said. Her small hands went to rub the strong arms that encircled her. She couldn’t deny that she felt safe in his embrace. She tilted her head back to rest on his shoulder, and Max started placing small kisses on her forehead, nose, cheeks.

“And yes, I think it’s a great idea to wait until the next full moon. There’s nothing I want more than to make you my official bride, but you’re right. If we do manage to conceive in the following weeks and you announce your pregnancy right before midnight, on Thunder Moon, the wolves will love you. Heck, I can already see Josie jumping up and down in excitement. You’d totally win her heart with such a surprise.”

Avelyn almost couldn’t believe it had worked. She turned to face him and capture his lips in a firm kiss. “Thank you! Thank you for doing this for me!”

“Baby, I’d do anything for you. If winning Jocelyn’s love is so important to you, then I support you entirely. I want you two to get along, and this is a marvelous idea even though it means we’ll have to wait a little longer.”

“How will you tell everyone that the mating ritual is not happening tomorrow anymore?”

“I’ll figure something out, don’t worry. I won’t let them in on our little plan.” He caressed her cheeks and smiled. “After all, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.”

“So, you’re not going to tell anyone? Not even Christine?”

“No! Christine has been looking forward to take care of my or Karl’s pups since… forever. Next month, when you’re pregnant, you get to tell her yourself. I’m almost sure she’ll break down crying.”

Avelyn couldn’t believe how well this was going. She didn’t even need to ask him to keep their little plan secret. If he had gone to tell Christine, she’d have been royally screwed. So screwed that she could have just as well jumped off the Crescent Tower.

“I’m just curious…” He looked her in the eyes and hesitated a bit.

An icy tremor ran up Avelyn’s spine. She gulped.
