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Delyse’s eyes were growing bigger and bigger with every new detail Avelyn was adding to her story. There was no point in hiding anything from her friend, so she had decided to tell her every single thing starting with the first night she spent at the Schloss. When she got to Sabine, Delyse bit her lip, and Avelyn saw the girl had so many questions. However, she kept quiet, so Avelyn went on to the long month of waiting for the Flower Moon, told her about the discussions she had had with Max’s ex-bride, then got to what happened the moment they got out of the dungeons. Delyse’s shoulders tensed, and she covered her mouth with both hands. By this point, her blue eyes were as big as saucers. What followed was the doctor’s news and conclusions, then the rumor about the cure. Delyse’s blond eyebrows knitted in deep thought, and she didn’t speak for a couple of long minutes after Avelyn finished her story. Finally, she cleared her throat and placed both palms on her desk, the cool wood helping her calm her nerves.

“Avelyn, I don’t know anything about a cure for the werewolf venom. It’s true I still keep in touch with my brother, but we never talk business. He visits me so rarely that it always seems like a waste of time to talk about his job or about our parents.”

“I understand that.”

“Lately, he’s been very busy. He hasn’t come to see me in almost three months, and when either of us calls, we don’t talk for more than ten minutes every couple of days. However, I will call him and ask him to pay me a visit.”

“Do you think he will? I mean… wouldn’t it be easier to tell him on the phone?”

“He will come if I insist. I’d rather talk to him face to face. It’s a delicate matter. James would do anything for me, you already know that, but there are things that can’t be solved so easily. Too many complications to this situation… I will have to tell him about Sabine…”

“Please don’t.” Avelyn’s cheeks flushed red and her heart started beating so hard that it threatened to drill a hole through her chest and jump on the keyboard.

“Avelyn, I must. I won’t lie to my brother.”

“He’s the Councilor’s son…”

“And if there is, indeed, a cure, then he’s in over his head anyway. Don’t worry, I’ll try to make him talk before I tell him about you and your story. Trust me, I can do this. But once I find out Harington Pharmaceuticals has made a breakthrough, I will have to be honest with him. It’s the only way I’ll convince him to help me. Help you. Think about it: we know about the company’s illegal activities, it’s only natural to let him know about a rogue wolf that was part of Clan Blackmane just a few days ago and bit a human.”


“No, for God’s sake!” Delyse pushed her chair away from the desk, and herself with it, the small plastic wheels screeching on the floor. She spun a couple of times and stopped when she felt she had her emotions under control. “Don’t say that. I’d never blackmail my brother.”

“I’m sorry… I’m such an idiot.”

“Just forget about it. It’s only fair. If we know about his illegal stuff, then he should know about ours.”

“What if he tells your father?”

“He won’t. He and dad are not on the best of terms. Dad insists he should go into politics and follow in his footsteps, but all James wants is to finish medical school and work in the Harington laboratories. If there’s been a breakthrough with this cure you’ve told me about, he must know about it. And he won’t tell anyone if I ask him not to. I wish you’d meet him, Ave.” Delyse smiled

. “He’s a good guy, really. He’s the best. I can’t lie to him, especially since I’ll literally ask him to put his own reputation and career in danger.”

“I understand. I’m sorry for being so… thick.”

“Don’t worry about it.” The blonde gave her a full, genuine smile. “So, tell me. How is it to be pregnant? Are you horny all the time?”

“Oh, you can’t imagine.” Avelyn laughed wholeheartedly, happy that the nasty part of the conversation was over. She felt better after telling Delyse all about Sabine and Max, all about her fears and insecurities. She really was her best friend. She had listened patiently, empathized with her, and didn’t judge her once. “But enough about me. How are you doing?”

“Pretty good. Classes are as boring as ever. Claudia has taken up cooking. She says it reminds her of you.”

“Awww… such a sweetie.” They both laughed.

“Amelia’s the same obnoxious bitch. Sometimes I wonder why she’s even hanging out with us.”

“Oh, give her a chance.”

“We are. Every damn day. We all miss you.”

“I miss you too. You’ve no idea how hard it’s been for me… There were days when I’d have given anything to have someone to talk to, someone I could trust. Even bitchy Amelia.”

“But things are getting better, aren’t they? Now, they don’t have to be careful around you anymore. Val and Rosanna will be more open, you’ll see. I have the impression no one liked the situation and they only stuck with it because the Alphas had made the decision for everyone.”

“Yeah… I guess. I still miss the hell out of you and Claudia. And Amelia.”

“I know.” Delyse gave her a reassuring smile. She would have loved to be able to go through the screen and hug her friend. “You’re a strong woman, Ave. You’ve made it so far. I promise you I will get that cure for you if it exists, and then you can have your ‘happily ever after’ with Max and a hoard of adorable pups.”

“Happily ever after… It sounds so surreal.”
