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“Start what? I’m sorry… Hi.” Amelia tried to plaster a smile on her face and failed miserably.

“Hi yourself.” Blake looked at her curiously, then huffed and sat down in front of a chess board. All the pieces were already in place. “Aaron doesn’t want to play anymore, and Elena never liked chess. I’ve no idea what Seth’s been up to today, and my father is too tired for my… shenanigans, as he has so gently put it. You’re my last hope. Do you know how to play?”

“Of course. I won a couple of tournaments at Alma Venus.”

“I thought so. You shifter-brides are so well prepared. Well, come on now, sit down. Show me what you’ve got.”

His attitude and good mood took her by surprise. This man confused her to no end. This was the second time she saw him, and all he wanted to do was play chess. If a period of courtship and teasing was something normal to humans, it was completely unheard of in the shape-shifters’ world, especially when the Alpha had already bought a bride and brought her home. Normally, the next step would be to claim her, go through the mating ritual which was specific to the faction, then dedicate each night to the equally exciting and crucial task of conceiving an heir for the clan. Blake hadn’t done any of that. Could she actually consider him her husband if he hadn’t? “Brilliant! Now I’m looking for a way out… I’m trying to explain myself,” she thought as she made her move. Blake made his move immediately and it was her turn again. He had offered her the White, so she had opted for an aggressive opening. So far, Blake was keeping up and working on protecting his King behind three Pawns and a strategically placed Knight. God, how she hated the Knights! She loved hers, of course. It was great having hers on the board, but when it came to eliminating her enemy’s pieces, she always went for the Knights first.

“You’re good,” he said. “I didn’t see that coming.”

Amelia smiled triumphantly. Take that, stupid Black Knights! “It’s a variation I like a lot. But don’t worry, you won’t see it again too soon.”

“I bet you have many other variations to confuse me with.”

“I might.”

They played in silence for a few more minutes, the pieces disappearing fast from the board. It didn’t take Amelia long to corner Blake’s King and finish the game, but it did take him long enough to comprehend what had just happened. He stared at the board then at his bride whose smirk was nothing but a new challenge.

“Again?” he asked.


“I take it the chess course was compulsory at Alma Venus?”

“No, it was one of the optional activities. I used to play a lot because, let’s face it, there isn’t much entertainment to be had at a boarding school.”

“I’m sorry.” His words were barely a whisper.

Amelia’s brows rose in surprise. “What for?”

“I might be a shape-shifter, but I’m not obtuse. I know the boarding school system is a decent compromise between humans and our species

, but I also know it’s not fair to the girls who end up in these institutions and have no other choice but to become brides.”

Amelia shrugged and started the game with a tamer opening. “It’s not as bad as it seems.”

“You don’t have to pretend you like it.” Instead of making his move, Blake looked her in the eyes. He wanted her to know that he meant every word. “No one should ever have their future decided for them.”

“Blake…” She rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans and looked away. This was great. Just perfect. So, her husband wasn’t making any move on her because he respected her freedom, and how had she repaid him? By sleeping with his Beta and, probably, best friend. This couldn’t go on like this. No matter the consequences, she had to tell him the truth. He’d surely ship her back to Alma Venus, then Miss Delacroix would kick her out because nothing was more important than the school’s reputation. “I screwed up so badly,” she thought.

“You probably think I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I do,” he continued.

She had to make him stop. “Blake, listen… I need to tell you something.”

“No, let me finish. It’s important that you know I’m on your side.”

She stood up, almost knocking the chair to the floor. “Please, I have to tell you this, otherwise I won’t be able to live with myself!” Her hands were cold and sweaty, and her heart was beating wildly in her chest. What was she doing? Everything had worked out so well for her until now. All these years she spent studying and perfecting herself so she’d get the chance to marry a good, resourceful Alpha… All her efforts thrown out the window because she fell in love with the wrong guy.

Blake straightened his back, but didn’t stand up. He looked at her dumbfounded, unsure of what had caused this radical change in her behavior. “All right, I’m listening.”

“I…” she hesitated. Each sentence her brain came up with got stuck on the tip of her tongue. “What I did… there’s no excuse for what I did…” She took a deep breath and prepared herself to spill it all out, when someone knocked on the door. The sharp sound rung in her head, a sign of salvation or of impending doom… she didn’t know yet.

Blake studied his bride for a moment, then a second knock convinced him he had to answer the door. He already knew who it was. He could smell Seth’s trademark scent from miles away.

“Come in!”

Seth entered the room, greeted Blake and nodded towards Amelia. He had just showered and his blond hair was slightly wet. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything. Elena told me you guys are playing chess and I just couldn’t stay away. I had to know if you’ve finally found your match.”

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