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Roman hadn’t left his room since the stroke. Blake spent most of her

time by his side. When she wasn’t there, Seth would take her place, or even Amelia, although Roman himself had told her she shouldn’t worry. Her baby was more important than him, and it was her duty to relax and take care of herself. Elena and Aaron were at the mansion all day. Seth, however, had taken the habit of coming and going. When he wasn’t by his old Inari’s side, he was at his cabin, busy with God knew what. Amelia had tried to make him talk about it countless times, but he had always smiled and avoided the subject. “Clan stuff… don’t worry about it,” he always said. She believed him at first, but when he started ignoring her in favor of working on whatever it was that needed his attention so much, she had started to suspect it was bigger than simple clan business.

No, Amelia wasn’t bored. But she was tired. And stressed. Roman was dying. Everyone could see that. It was only a matter of time. Blake spent all her waking moments with her father, Seth kept locking himself up in his cabin, and Amelia was often left with Elena and Aaron.

“Not today. Today is Christmas,” she whispered.

The Christmas lights from the cabin came into view, and she walked faster. Her hands were freezing, the wool mittens not doing much to protect her from the cold night air, and she couldn’t wait to sink her fingers into Seth’s blond hair. His body would be hard and warm. Just what she needed. The best Christmas present ever.

Seth was waiting for her in the doorway, his bulky arms crossed over his chest, a lazy smile on his lips. He had smelled her, of course. He had recognized her sweet, flowery perfume way before she had reached the gate of his small garden, and he had had more than enough time to stuff the documents, which had been scattered all over his bed and desk for weeks now, into a drawer. The investigation was going slowly, but he was sure he was headed in the right direction. The bear-shifter detective who had worked on the murder case had agreed to keep in touch and help him, so Seth was positive he would find out what happened to Amelia’s parents sooner or later. Until then, however, he wanted to keep her away from this. Roman’s current state was enough for all of them, and Amelia was the most sensitive. He had to protect her. He had to protect their baby. If he ever got to the bottom of the mystery of her parents’ death, then he would tell her everything.

“Merry Christmas, beautiful.” He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead gently.

Amelia melted in the soft embrace. “Don’t Merry Christmas me. If I hadn’t come, you would have spent all night working.”

He pulled her inside the cabin and closed the door. Amelia’s shoulders relaxed when the heavy wave of heat coming from the fireplace enveloped her shivering form. She let Seth take her coat and she hurried to get rid of her boots. She winced when she straightened her back, and her hands went to rest on her round belly.

“Ugh… I keep forgetting I’m not as fit as I used to be. I feel like I’m 100 years old. My back hurts constantly.”

Seth let out a light-hearted laugh and pulled her back into his arms. “You’re perfectly fit, my love. Come here, let me warm up those cute hands of yours.” He lifted her hands to his lips and blew into them.

“I’m fat,” she pouted.

“No, you’re just carrying a little werefox that grows faster than you expected. It’s only the third month.”

“And I look like I’m in the sixth!”

“Well, you can’t say that’s not an advantage. What woman wouldn’t prefer to have only six months of pregnancy instead of nine?”

“True…” Her mind wandered to the shifter-brides who would have gladly given up all the advantages a forced marriage with a shape-shifter brought just to have their freedom to choose. She didn’t say anything, though. She knew Seth hadn’t meant it that way.


His question snapped her out of her thoughts. “A bit.”

“Thought so.” He smiled and pulled her into the kitchen. “In fact, I had just finished the work for today and was about to come and steal you from the mansion. I tried to convince Blake we should have some sort of Christmas dinner, but she refused.”

“Yeah… I understand, though. No one would enjoy it. And that would’ve meant inviting Sebastian, Charles, and Julian over, and they’re the last people Blake wants to see.”

Amelia looked at the delicious food displayed on the table, her mouth already watering. When had Seth had time to cook? Or, maybe he asked someone from the mansion to help him? Everything looked and smelled heavenly.

“So, we have… roast turkey. I hope you like turkey, ‘cause it took me forever to roast this fat bird.”

Amelia chuckled. “I love it.”

“Mashed potatoes, of course. I know you like those.”

“Who doesn’t?” She was salivating. On second thought, she was quite hungry. Very hungry.

“Oyster stew…”

“Never had that before.” She stepped closer to the table to inspect the foreign dish. Seth lifted the lid off the pot and she inhaled the strong smell. “Mmm… I’m willing to try it.”

“Good.” He smiled broadly. “It’s one of my favorites and I have long perfected the recipe.”

“What’s for dessert?”

“Apple pie and plum pudding, of course.”
