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“He’s not worth it…” She pulled at his arm again, but he wouldn’t budge. His body was as strong and still as a rock. She took a deep breath and prepared to pull harder only to double over and grab her bump when the contractions began. She moaned in pain, and that was when Seth finally let go of Sebastian.

“Amelia, what’s wrong?” Seth caught her before she fell to the floor.

“The baby… But no, it’s too early…” She wasn’t due for another month. “It will pass.” As to contradict her, her water broke.

“Shit!” Seth took her in his arms, ready to run upstairs. Even in her condition, Amelia was light as a feather. “Call the doctor!”

Sebastian shook his head. Charles seemed disinterested, and Julian was the only one who sighed and eventually dialed the number. Seth took Amelia to her old room. He would call the doctor himself to make sure he came, but first he wanted to know Amelia was comfortable, in her bed.

“Brilliant!” said Charles. “More drama.”

Julian told the doctor what was going on, then ended the call. “Whatever. It’s late anyway.”

Sebastian rubbed his sore throat, then finished his glass of whiskey. “They said they contacted the Council. That can’t be good.”

“It doesn’t make any difference. Blake deceived them too. They won’t forgive that,” said Charles.

“They told them they suspect we had something to do with the attack…”

“And you think anyone will believe them after all the lies?” Charles stood up and headed to the door. “You worry too much, brother.”


Marcus of Clan Sylfur was born at 2:35 AM. Seth was there to take the boy from the doctor’s hands and show him to Amelia before she passed out, exhausted. He chose to name him after his stepfather. While Amelia was asleep, a smile plastered on her face, Seth caressed her cheeks and hair, kissed her hands over and over, and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. For a couple of hours, he allowed himself to dream of a perfect life with his mate and their son, somewhere far away from here. He would dedicate his time to being a good father to Marcus, and devote himself to Amelia. He wouldn’t have to watch Blake’s back anymore, of keep an eye on the Sylfur brothers and try to be one step ahead of them and their wicked plans. Amelia and Marcus. The only ones who truly mattered.

Eventually, Seth came back to earth. He sighed and stood up. He watched his son sleep in the small crib he had brought into the room while the doctor was encouraging Amelia to breathe and push. He had worked on the crib for months, carving each detail with extreme attention, and now he couldn’t believe there was a baby sleeping in it. His baby. He smiled, then forced himself to leave the room. For now, his family was safe. He had to check on Elena and Aaron, then see if Blake was asleep. If she wasn’t, he was sure she wanted to hear the great news. He would have to give her some bad news too, but that was what life was about. As he knocked on her door and waited for an answer, he realized how tired the Deltas were. He could hear Blake breathing evenly, and he knew she wasn’t sleeping. Still, she refused to invite him in.

“Congratulations,” whispered Elena. She smiled, but it was obvious she was too exhausted to express her enthusiasm in a more cheerful manner.

“Thank you.”

Aaron punched his shoulder lightly. “A boy, huh?”

“Yeah.” His heart grew with pride, and Seth was sure it would have exploded of so much happiness, if he hadn’t had so many other things to worry about.

“Man, that’s awesome! You’re going to be a great daddy!”

Seth smiled. “I’ll do my best.” He knocked again. Still nothing. “You two should go rest. Come back at around 10. I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“I thought you wanted to spend the night with Amelia,” said Elena. In truth, she couldn’t wait to lie down.

“Amelia is fine. I asked the nurse to stay with her in case she needs anything.”


The two Deltas didn’t argue anymore. They needed sleep, or they wouldn’t be able to protect Blake if it came to it. Seth waited for them to leave, then he pushed the door open and peeked into Blake’s room. She was lying on her side, her back turned to him, but the rhythm of her breathing told him she was wide awake. He closed the door and went to the edge of her


“I have a son.”

Silence. Then a soft whisper. “I know.”

Of course she knew. She had heard his conversation with Elena and Aaron.

“I’m happy for you.”

Seth shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans and waited for her to say something else, anything. After a couple of minutes, he knew he was wasting his time.
