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I shook my head in disbelief. Despite everything, he insisted in his delusion. I knew why he did everything he did – for pow

er. Personal power, and nothing more. He didn’t care about anyone, supernatural or human, he only cared about himself.

“See you later, Dad.”

I teleported out of there. And I knew that by the time I came back from the Council, he’d be long gone. A fugitive. His time would come, though. Until then, I had other things on my mind. I had to convince the Council to reinstate Mason Colin as Headmaster, get rid of the Unseelie guards that were suffocating our school, and find the one who could kill Valentine Morninsgstar. Because that person sure wasn’t me.

Me, I was a revenant. And I had to figure out how that worked, too. Was I supposed to bring blood sacrifices to the Great Old One, so he’d keep me alive and immortal? No. This doesn’t change anything. The monster has to go. It either has to die, or return to the dimension it came from. But if the god died or left this universe, what would happen to me? What would happen to Francis? Dust to dust and ashes to ashes?

Back in my room, I found Corri’s bell and rang it three times. She materialized out of thin air, her wings flapping incessantly.

“Mistress! What happened to you?!” Her almond eyes bulged out of her tiny head. She pressed her hands to her chest as if she was about to have a heart attack. “Whose blood is that?”

“Mine. And someone else’s…”

She flew around me a couple of times, getting closer and closer with every lap, her little nose sniffing me suspiciously.

“Is it really you? Mistress, you smell…”

“Dead?” I laughed, and it sounded pretty hysterical. “Don’t worry, I’m getting better.”

“You’re getting better?”

“Yes… less dead. In a few days, you won’t even tell the difference.”

“Oh my God, Mistress! You’re undead!”

“Cool, huh?”

“N-not… not cool at all.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Look, I’m taking a shower, then I have a few things to take care of. Be a good pixie and go find GC, Paz, Sariel, and Francis. Tell them to meet me right here, in my room, with tacos, Oreo cheesecake, and wine. Throw some champagne in there, too.”

“Err… what are we celebrating?”

I smiled at her on my way to the bathroom. “Me getting my well-deserved harem of four. Oh, and you might want to find a place to sleep tonight. This particular party isn’t for pixie eyes.”

