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“He can do anything you want,” Easton rasped out, and then Julia did something between his legs, something that made his eyes dull and his body stiffen. I knew that look. I’d given him that look countless times, in countless situations, doing countless things, but knowing that she had delivered it… I lowered myself back onto his mouth. I pulled Brad De Luca closer to me and shivered as his hands settled on my ass, squeezing and pulling apart my cheeks as his mouth settled onto my neck, kissing and teasing over the flesh. My nipples rubbed against the stiff cotton of his dress shirt and I scraped my hands through his hair, listening as my husband gasped against my clit, his tongue slowing, then quickening as she sucked his cock.

I had worried that this would ruin us. I had worried that I would see this sight, hear those noises, and freak the F out—but that wasn’t what happened at all. Instead, there was only more.

More arousal.

More need.

More emotion.

More love.

More trust.

More risk.

More reward.

Brad’s finger pushed into the tight and needy bundle of my ass and it was the push that sent me over the edge. I came hard, my fingers digging into Brad’s muscles, my mouth needy on his neck, his voice thick and commanding in my ear. Easton’s mouth tightened, his tongue focusing, and he delivered the orgasm perfectly, stretching out the pleasure until a point that was almost painful, then relaxing his jaw and letting me sink into his mouth. I sagged in Brad’s arms and didn’t resist when he lifted me up, carried me around the long end of the sectional couch and gently set me next to Easton.

“Julia,” he commanded, and his wife immediately pulled off E’s cock. “Let her finish him. I need you right the fuck now.”

I didn’t move, couldn’t. I heard Easton, the creak of the couch, the clink of his belt. His knees sank into the cushion, moving apart my legs, his wet and rigid cock pushing in between my legs. “We can’t—” I protested, and from the dark, I heard a feminine gasp, one of pleasure, then a moan, as Brad did something to Julia that sounded positively sinful.

“We can,” Easton whispered, settling on top of me, his shirt brushing against my bare breasts, his thighs heavy against mine. He thrust his hips and he was inside me, my core aching from days of neglect, my body flexing as my arms stole around his neck, my mouth finding his, my hips moving of their own accord as he started to drag that thick beautiful cock in and out of me. Beside us, close enough that I could feel the shake of the sectional, they fucked. I could hear them, the slapping of connecting bodies, the labor of breath, the quiet huffs and moans out of Julia’s mouth.

Easton pulled away from our kiss and lowered his mouth to my ear. “Look at them,” he whispered, then kissed my ear. “Watch them.”

“I can’t,” I gasped, his thrusts quickening, an urgent pulse of intrusion. Had he ever been this big? This hard? This turned on?

That night. That night, with Aaron beside him. But this… this was different. This was a sea of sounds and the cool night air, and the taboo realization that I was in someone else’s backyard, beside them. Fucking beside them. I turned my head and forced myself to look. My eyes widened.

Brad, on his knees behind her. Her bare breasts rubbing against the cushion, her hands pulling her ass cheeks apart. She was looking back at him, her cheek against the couch, and urging him on, quiet words of filth that were floating over to us.

“Harder. Harder. Yes. Oh my…” her head lifted as she came, and I could see it take over her body, her hands tightening, her pleasure blooming, the tight pinch of her eyes, the gap of her mouth. He consumed her with his stare, his hands gripping her at the wrist, keeping them in place as he maintained his rhythm, maintained the collide of his thighs against her hamstrings as he drilled his—”

Oh. I stared at the juncture of his body, questioning the view as I saw peeks of it, illuminated by the fire. He was so thick, and from the length of his strokes, the distance that parted their bodies with each withdrawal—long.

“You like that?” Easton whispered in my ear. “I can feel you, getting tighter. Wetter. You’re fucking quaking around me.”

“I like it,” I moaned, returning my attention to him. I gripped the back of his neck and stared into his eyes. “Did you like her mouth on your cock?”

“I loved her mouth on my cock.” He let out a grunt, and I could see he was close, his chest tightening, his thrusts quickening. “I almost came in her tight little throat.”
