Page 123 of In the Shadows

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“That’s not the point!”

“You saw what being involved with this group made our father

do. Why would I want to have anything to do with them?”

“But —”

“He’s not the right one,” Mary said, standing with her back to

them and tracing her finger along the carvings etched into the

wall. “He’s not angry.”

Thom looked to the girls, but Cora was focused entirely on

Minnie, and Minnie was staring at Arthur with a frightened look

on her face.

Thom turned to Arthur, who met his eyes. He walked to the

other boy, leaned in as close as he could to Arthur’s ear. “We trick

her. I’ll tell her it’s for me. We get the spell and then we do it on


“Charles doesn’t want it.”

“I don’t care what he thinks he wants! If I can save my brother,

I’m going to!”

Arthur leaned back, then shook his head. “No.”

Desperate, Thom turned to Minnie. He knew Charles was in

love with her. If anyone could convince him to take a chance, to

accept this altered life, she could. “Minnie.” He begged her with

his eyes, and she looked from him to Charles. “Please.”

“Would it be so bad?” she whispered, putting her hand on

Charles’s cheek. “It couldn’t change who you are. You’re not your


Charles looked uncertain. Thom seized on the moment. “I’ll

do it,” he said, holding out his hand to Mary. “Give me the spell.”

“No,” Arthur said, his voice cold and determined. “Don’t give

it to him, Mary. He wants it for Charles.”

“What are you doing?” Thom turned to him, horrified.
