Page 17 of In the Shadows

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Minnie were half as

pretty as her sister, he might have stumbled on a way to keep Thom

happy this summer, too.

Charles continued earnestly. “I think some fun companions

would be just the thing for me.” He coughed, looking up at Cora

and Mrs. Johnson with eyes large and winsome. The mystery boy

met Charles’s gaze suspiciously. Charles was making himself part

of the machinery now.

“It’s settled, then.” Mrs. Johnson patted Cora’s shoulder

as Cora stood still, arms full of dishes, mouth open in shock. “And

Arthur, of course, will keep an eye on you and Minnie for me.”

The other boy, Arthur, had effectively been assigned to be a

chaperone. That’d make things trickier, depending on his relation

to the girls. But Charles was very confident in his summer pros-

pects now, and had the added pride of having helped nice Mrs.

Johnson keep her daughter safe. Everybody won.

After she took the dishes from Cora, Mrs. Johnson called

over her shoulder, “And all of you please remember to keep

your bedroom doors locked at night after you turn in for bed.

House rule.”

“Brilliant!” Charles said, standing and holding out a hand for

Cora to shake. “Thanks so much.”

“Oh, of course. I — it’ll be fun.” Cora’s voice trailed off. She

sounded a bit lost. Charles would make sure she didn’t stay lost.

She needed a task.

“Is there somewhere outside to sit?” he asked. “The evening

looks nice.”

“Yes! Of course. The veranda. Would you like a blanket? I can

make a tea service! But first, come this way.” She walked purpose-

fully out of the room.
