Page 53 of In the Shadows

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to lose them as boarders.”

Minnie rolled her eyes, then splashed water at Cora. “They

aren’t going anywhere until the summer ends.”

Minnie looked at Arthur again, and this time she wasn’t secret

enough to avoid being caught at it by Cora.

“Oh, Min,” Cora said, her voice soft and sad. “You —”

“I what?” Minnie’s voice was falsely bright, her smile painful.

“I don’t want you to get hurt. Just remember that some

things can’t happen.” She gave Minnie a significant look, then

shrugged so they could both pretend they didn’t know what they

were referring to. “Remember that Charles is sick. Just be care-

ful, okay?”

Climbing up onto the rock where they used to sun themselves

and pretend to be mermaids, Minnie spun with her arms lifted

above her head. “Never!” she shouted, jumping into the water.

When they finally slogged back onto the beach, waterlogged

and freezing, Minnie could tell that Cora already regretted this

relapse. Taking the picnic blanket, Minnie wrapped it around

Cora’s shoulders, leaving an arm around her waist and whispering

nonsense to her as they walked home. If she clung to her sister, if

she held her tightly enough, she’d be able to get her back.

“You boys go in the front,” Minnie said as they drew close.

“Distract our mother.”

“You mean she doesn’t like you two to go swimming in the

ocean in your clothes?” Charles asked, teasing.

“Oh, no, any mother approves of that. It’s the hair she’ll be

upset about.” Minnie held up a tangled strand of dark curls.

“Go on,” Thomas said. “We’ll ask her to make us some

food. She thinks we’re constantly on the verge of starvation.”

“You’re a peach! Come on, Cora.” They broke off, sneak-
