Page 71 of In the Shadows

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involves us.”

Charles frowned thoughtfully. “There was a man I thought

was watching us when we ran from the church. But he had a

beard. It definitely wasn’t Alden, and it certainly wasn’t the

woman you’ve described.”

Minnie was delighted, which annoyed Thom as it was entirely

the wrong reaction. “It could be a bigger conspiracy! But why did

you break into Alden’s room?” She tapped distractedly on her leg,

playing with something beneath the fabric of her dress.

“We — Arthur and I — caught him stealing the key to

your bedroom. We were trying to get it back.”

Minnie’s delighted expression turned sour and flat. “I’ll tell

my mother,” she said, standing, hand now clutching something

through her skirt. “She’ll throw him out.”

“There’s more.” Thomas’s tone drove her to sit back down.

“Arthur wouldn’t answer my questions, but this group calls

themselves the Ladon Vitae. And I think your friend knows all

about them.”

“Maybe he didn’t really know anything. Arthur never gives

straight answers.”

Thom cut her with a well-practiced look. “He said that

unless Charles and I run away right now, we’ll be killed. And

that we’ll probably be killed regardless.”

Minnie shrank back. “He might have been joking?”

“He wasn’t. Either he’s crazy, he’s involved with them, or he

has information I need to keep my brother safe.”

Minnie’s gaze darted to Charles and she softened. However

she felt about Arthur, Thom could tell she cared about his

brother, too.

“How can we get him to answer questions?” Charles asked,
