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He rolled his eyes at her over the top descriptions. “All right, no Mr. Darcy, but you understand what I’m saying, don’t you? I want to break out of this niche Marcus has pigeonholed me into.”

“Do it. Break out. Refuse this role and every role like it. Start at the beginning. Go on calls and read for the parts. Let the casting directors see what you have to offer.”

His cell phone rang at that moment. He’d turned it on this morning, bombarded with calls ever since. “This is Reece. Talk to me.”

“Did you get the script?”

“Yes, I did, brother. The answer is no. I’m not doing it.”

“You have to do it. You’re already signed on.”

“Then get out your magic eraser. Un-sign me.” He glanced at Nicole. She was smiling, nodding in app


There was silence on the other end of the connection. “This is going to cause major problems, Reece. Why are you being difficult?”

“I’ve been telling you for some time now that I want a different type of role. You haven’t been listening.”

“I have listened. I’ve tried, but no one is biting. Everyone likes you as a spy.”

“Unless I’m nominated for an award, I’m officially hanging up my tuxedo. Find me a new role, Marcus, or find yourself a new job.”

“You’re going to fire me?” his brother asked in disbelief.

“Yes, you’re supposed to be my manager, working in my best interest. Find a script I can agree to or find yourself new employment.” Reece ended the call, tossing his phone down. “That felt good.”

Nicole stood, dancing around the room. “Yeah, Reece Collins finally grabbed his cohunes and gave his manager the what for.”

Reece was mesmerized by her antics. “What are you doing?”

She stopped dancing. “I call it my ‘Snoopy’ dance.” She pressed a hand to her hip. “What, you don’t like it?”

His eyes dropped to her chest, grinning. “No, I like it a lot.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re a pervert. Do you have to make everything about sex?”

The phone went off again. He picked it up. “This is Reece.”

“I’m on my way there. We need to talk.”

“I’m not leaving, Marcus.”

“Yes, you are, unless you want me to make a call to TMZ, telling them you’re shacked up again,” his brother threatened. “They’ll love running another sleazy story on you, their favorite playboy.”

Reece pressed his lips together. “You’re now issuing ultimatums to me? You don’t know where I am.”

“You’re in North Carolina at the beach.”

“How did you know that? Did you put a trace on my phone?”

“Yeah, it’s what good managers do.”

“You’re fired, Marcus.”

“Really? Are you sure you want to do that? I’ve been doing some checking on your little Merry Sunshine. Did you know she cashed the check I sent to her publisher?”

Reece’s eyes shot toward Nicole. “So? She never said a word to anyone about our time together.”
