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“Because I’m fucking popular, Kline. I’m not sure why no one seems to understand that.”

Cap snorts, eyes still on me, and I do everything in my power to avoid meeting his gaze.

I glance to the right and down and up and to the left and back again as he continues to stare at me. But finally, I allow myself a small sliver of uncomfortable eye contact as he starts to speak again.

“I’m charming. I’m so goddamn charming, they’re thinking of replacing that leprechaun on the cereal box with me.”

I roll my eyes. Lord Almighty, could his ego be any bigger?

Cap notices my gesture and smiles.

“Fine. I’ll talk to you later.” He pauses and reaches out to me, taking me by the wrist. I startle and try to back away, but he holds on anyway, gently uncrossing my right arm and settling it by my side. I watch, transfixed then, as he leaves that one and does the same thing with my left.

That’s it, though. Verbally, he doesn’t acknowledge my awkwardness at all.

“Yes,” he groans before winking at me. “I’ll call you as soon as it’s done. Love you too. Kisses.”

I jerk my head back as he barks a laugh. “I know you didn’t say it, but your never-ending affection for me is always implied, sweetheart.”

He hangs up the phone with a chuckle, no other words spoken, and takes a sudden step toward me. I flatten myself against his doorjamb at the unexpected motion.

His lip indents a little as he bites it on a smirk, and he stops so close to me that I can feel the heat of his minty breath on my face.

“Just push the hold button to hold the call,” he teases. “And then hit the intercom on the bottom right to tell me what line.”

Being this up close and personal with him has me noticing things I definitely shouldn’t be noticing. Like, his eyes sparkle as if they’re lined with glitter. And the way he smells, fresh and masculine, tempts me to lean forward and bury my nose in the collar of his shirt.

Dear God, Ruby. Don’t do that.

I’m overwhelmed and “Huh?” is the only thing I can manage as I struggle to form full thoughts.

“Transferring calls to me,” he explains, and his smirk curves into a smile and makes my chest inflate like a damn balloon. “It’s pretty simple, but I can show you if you need.”

I shake my head immediately. No, no. I don’t need any more close contact right now, thank you very much. “No, that’s all right. I’ll get it. I was just under the gun with him on the line.”

“Of course.”

“I’m good now.”

His responding smile is damn near blinding, and thankfully, he backs away just enough that my lungs start to function again.

“All right, then. I’ll be in my office.”

I force a half smile to my lips and nod.

He steps inside his office, and I move back over to my desk to gather my wits, just as the phone starts ringing…again.

I shouldn’t be surprised—he is one of the top lawyers in the country—but still, I thought I’d have at least five measly minutes to figure out the phone before I ended up in the same situation.

Deep breaths, Ruby. It’s just a phone. You can do this.

“Caplin Hawkins Law,” I say, answering on the second ring just as the door to Cap’s office shuts behind him.

The voice that greets me is breathy in a way that feels slightly uncomfortable. “Is Cap available?”

I look to the closed door and then to the to-do list on my desk that maps out his day and hedge a bet that he won’t be upset if I filter some of his calls. Important people usually open with their name. Or like Kline Brooks, their assistant does it for them. But, hey, if Breathy Betty turns out to be the CEO of something, I’ll apologize for my stupidity when I call her back. “I’m sorry, but he’s not. He’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message and have him get back to you?”

She sighs. “I guess.”

I try my best to be polite despite her off-putting attitude. “All right, then. Go ahead with your message,” I say, putting my hands to the keyboard of my computer. “I’m ready.”

“Tell him Nadia called and is expecting a call back.”

“All righty—”

“And tell him I’m not wearing any panties.”

I blink twice, my fingers freezing on the keys as my brain short-circuits.

Did she just say she’s not wearing underwear?


“And my pussy’s wet and ready. Tell him that too.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Wet, ready, and tight. I’ve been training just for him.”

Okay, so I didn’t mishear her. She did, in fact, tell me she’s not wearing underwear. And now she’s giving me a graduate-level description of her freaking vagina!

My brain is actually bleeding. It has to be. I can feel it.
