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“Bye, Cap,” Ruby interjects, ready to get rid of me.

I don’t let her attitude deter me, though. It’s so overpronounced, so obviously a venture in trying to prove to herself just how much she doesn’t like me.

Instead, I meet her eyes and hold them until all pretense falls off her face, and she’s just there. The Ruby I know is really inside.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, doll.”

She nods, and the hint of a smile is a shadow on her lips. “See you tomorrow.”

With a nod and wink at Julie and one last grin at Ruby, I step away from the two of them and head for the entrance of the park.

Unexpected disappointment fills my chest, and I find myself wishing I could’ve stayed longer. For what, I’m not quite sure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of man’s furry best friend, but I don’t necessarily have the urge to hang around a dog park all day just to see them wag their tails and mindlessly lick their balls.

But…Ruby. You certainly like spending time with her, my brain taunts.

I shrug off the thought quickly and avert my focus to the current task at hand.

There’s work to be done, and word on the street is that, at Caplin Hawkins Law, I’m the only man for the job.


“Oh my God, Ruby,” Julie moans dramatically, as soon as Cap is safely outside of earshot. “That’s your boss?”

I roll my eyes and nod at the same time.

Julie takes my hand and pulls me down to sit on the bench. “How in the hell do you get anything done? I mean, don’t you just want to stare at his ass all day?”

“What?” I snap, my impression of being scandalized pretty good, if I say so myself. It’s easiest to lie to her since I’m already lying to myself. In reality, just five seconds ago, I was watching—more like gawking—as the ass in question walked away.

“And his eyes. They’re like fine, Swedish caramels,” she moons, and I squint.

“I don’t think caramels are a Swedish thing.”

“Whatever, Ruby. Stay focused here. Is he not the most perfect human specimen you’ve ever laid eyes on?”

“He’s good-looking,” I admit, and she snorts.

“Yeah, he’s just good-looking. And the sun is just a star.”

“Oh God, Julie, come on. You’re engaged!”

“Yes, I am. But I’m not blind, Ruby!”

“All right. Caplin Hawkins is hands down the best-looking man I have ever encountered in all twenty-eight years of my life.”

She nods enthusiastically, and I hold up a finger.

“But he is also the most egotistical, inappropriate, woman-using narcissist in the free world.”

“That seems like an exaggeration. He was perfectly lovely.”

“Just trust me on this, okay?” I sigh. “Cap is not the kind of man you or I or any self-respecting woman should spend any time seriously thinking about.”

She frowns. “But what about the spank bank, Ruby? What about the spank bank? Would you deny me this?”

“What about Kevin!”

She rolls her eyes. “I love Kev, you know that. But fantasy is healthy. I’m not gonna go picturing your hunky dreamboat boss while I’m sleeping with my man, but I’m allowed to theorize.”

I shake my head.

“And you’re single! You can do more than that, and you should! Live a little, for God’s sake.”

“Why does everyone keep implying that I don’t enjoy myself?”

She laughs. “Maybe because you don’t?”

“I’m about to enjoy myself, I’ll have you know,” I refute and stand up from the bench, swinging my bag over my shoulder with purpose. “Right now, I’m going across the street to the bookstore.”

She stares at me pointedly. “To get the book you need to study for recording?”

“No,” I deny, my face a mixture of glee and nana-nana-boo-boo.

“Research on your craft, then.”

I scowl. “There’s nothing wrong with research!”

“No, you’re right. But even reading has become something you don’t do for pleasure.”

“Hey! I enjoy—”

“I know you enjoy reading.” She cuts me off with a hand toward my face. “But you’re still doing it with a purpose. What do you do, just for the hell of it, with no other benefits at all?”

I give her the stink eye as I pet little Rosie goodbye. “I come to the dog park.”

“Exactly my point.” She smirks. “Just think about what I’m saying, Ruby. It might do you some good to let go a little bit. Have some fun.”

“I had a whole spa day just this morning.”

She eyes me skeptically and then surveys my obviously groomed features for evidence. And I know it’s there.

“Wow. Okay. That’s a good start. I’m glad you actually did something for yourself today.”

I prance a little on my feet.

You only did it because Cap made you. Really, the credit should go to him.

Annoyed at my thoughts, I decide it’s time to head to the bookstore. I lean in to give Julie a kiss goodbye on the cheek, pet Rosie one final time, and then head across the street to Hilda’s Books.
