Page 44 of 4th & Girl

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With me still in his arms.

It took all of two minutes before I’d unlocked the door to my apartment and Leo carried me inside.

“You can put me down now, you lunatic,” I teased, and thankfully, he set me back to my feet just before shutting and locking my front door.

Luckily, the apartment was still as night, the only sounds filling my ears the steady, pounding beats of my heart and the soft murmurs of Leo’s breath behind me.

“Show me your bedroom, Gem,” he whispered directly into my ear. His chest was pressed to my back, and I took a hearty inhale through my nose just to savor the delicious smell of him.

Soft yet strong. Woodsy yet clean. He smelled like a goddamn forest mixed with sunshine and vanilla. It was intoxicating.

He was intoxicating.

Without another word, I took his hand in mine and led the way, through the living room, down the short hall, and into my bedroom.

Coffee wasn’t on the agenda tonight.

But seeing Leo Landry naked certainly was.

The room was shrouded in twilight and shadows, and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust.

Before I could make my way to the bedside lamp, Leo wrapped his strong arms around my back, and with one gentle pull and a twist, I was in his arms and his blue eyes stared down at me.

His hand moved into my hair, and instantly, goose bumps peppered my skin.

That strong hand slid down my cheekbones to my lips, and his index finger paused for a beat, just barely touching my mouth. “I fucking love these lips,” he whispered.

He didn’t give me any time to respond.

His lips to mine, the kissing was officially restarted.

Deep. Heady. Urgent. He kissed with purpose, with passion, but also, with this reckless abandon like he couldn’t get enough of me.

And his big hands, well, they were everywhere.

In my hair. Down my arms. Cupping my breasts. Gripping my ass.

I moaned, and my hips made a bid to fuse with his as I moved closer and pressed my body against his.

I was a fan of whatever Leo was putting down, and we’d yet to take our clothes off. If Leo were a type of alcohol, he’d be a fine fucking wine. Robust and delicious and so damn strong, it went straight to your head.

He sure as hell went straight to my head.

And, good God, our bodies fit together as if we were made to lose ourselves in one another.

Next thing I knew, I was in his arms again as he carried me toward the bed and let me fall onto the mattress with a soft bounce.

I giggled. Leo smirked. And we locked eyes for a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another. Just enough for our intense feelings for one another to be validated. Just enough for both of us to understand that what we were feeling was one hundred percent mutual. Just enough to turn this romp from fucking into something more.

My breath came out in pants as he undid my jeans and pulled them off, and then he sank to his knees at the bottom of the bed.

He wouldn’t be there for long as his mouth followed a line back up, but the sight of him down there for even a moment had my chest ready to explode.

Slowly, he kissed my skin from my toes upward, and his hands were on my legs, always just a little higher than the kisses. My back arched off the bed from the feel of it, from the anticipation, from the overwhelming intensity of it all.

It didn’t take long for the rest of my clothes to disappear from my body and Leo’s to end up on my bedroom floor. We kissed and we touched and we felt one another, until the mere feeling of our skin moving softly together made me insane with need.

“Now,” I whispered and dug my fingers into the bare skin of his back. “Now, Leo,” I panted as I ground my hips toward his.

I could feel how aroused he was between my thighs, big and thick and throbbing, and I wanted to know what he felt like inside of me.

Scratch that. I needed to know.

Leo sat up on his knees, grabbed his jeans from the floor, and reached into the pocket to pull out a condom. I watched with rapt, fucking riveted attention as he sheathed himself and gave his cock a squeeze at the base as he finished rolling.

He was big and thick and hard in all of the right places. From the tips of his toes to his perfect cock, he looked good naked. Every single blessed inch of him.

I barely blinked as he fell forward and found me swiftly, teasing just the tip inside until he had a good seat and then sliding smooth and slow until he hit the end.
