Page 66 of 4th & Girl

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One beat whirled into the next, and as the song came to a crashing crescendo, so did the love of my life.

The backstage door smashed open and she gulped at the air, but there, right in front of me, at the club, was the one and only Gemma Holden.

She’d shown up.

She’d shown up!

I’d shown up for her, and she’d shown up for me.

My heart made a bid to beat right out of my chest as she approached, wild-eyed and winded, and everything settled as she came to a stop.

“I’m scared out of my mind,” she said without greeting or ado, and I didn’t hesitate a moment longer. Quite frankly, there wasn’t any time.

Wrapping my arms around her tightly, I pulled her to my chest and whispered the words I knew to be true directly into her ear.

“You’re going to be great. I didn’t have your music to give to the band to learn, so you’re singing a song I know you know because I’ve heard it before. You mesmerized me with it, and you’ll mesmerize them. You were born to do this, and I was born to be here for this moment.”

“Leo,” she said on a shaky whisper, and I hugged her tighter, holding on for dear life. If it weren’t for the actual performance, I didn’t know if I’d ever have been able to pry myself free.

“I love you, Gemma.”

She pulled back fiercely, tears pricking her eyes as the words settled in.

I swallowed and nodded, ready to hear her say it back, and then Will swept in and ruined everything.

“Great. She’s here. You’re on, sweetheart. This way.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled her from my arms and toward the stage, and all I could do as she looked back at me was laugh.

Laugh at the comedy, laugh at the fact that I’d found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and fucked up beyond royally in telling her the three most important words in the world.

If I were being frank, I’d fucked it up twice.

The opening bars of “Black Velvet” purred through the speakers as she took her place at the microphone, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. She shot one last glance back at me, the lights came up, the crowd quieted, and when the words started, so did Gemma.

Soft and sweet and the perfect pitch, her voice was everything I’d never heard from anyone on the music scene and then some, and the crowd was drawn into her trance with ease.

As the verses ticked on, she found her footing and a little more comfort, coming to life before all of our eyes.

Gone was the woman with the insecurities, and back was the one I’d seen in Drag and at the karaoke bar.

Back was the woman I’d fallen in love with.

Back was the woman Gemma was born to be.

I swayed and danced as everything right in the world came out of her mouth, and I laughed at the fact that I’d have to admit to Cam that he’d been right.

She’d needed the push. And I’d needed to be the one to do the pushing.

She and I were meant to be, and I couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather spend my years in the spotlight with.

And I had no doubt she’d be in the spotlight.

If you please fell from her lips with ease and edge, and every single patron fell at her feet. As the lights came up and the song came to a close, the entire place took to their feet and took no pity on my ears. The roar was wild and the night was young, and as Gemma leaned into the microphone, I knew my life was just beginning.

Clear and steady, she said the words for everyone to hear.

“I love you too, Leo.”

Funny how in a packed club full of people, it still felt like I was the only one she wanted listening.

Five years later…

After the class’s valedictorian finished up her inspirational speech, RIT’s president stepped onto the stage, and my belly fluttered with excitement.

It was officially time. The big moment my handsome husband had been striving to reach for the past five years.

I’d watched him slave over term papers and fit in exams around football games.

I’d watched him take a full-time course load in the off-season.

I’d witnessed him do homework when we were in Fiji on our honeymoon and when he’d spent three months on a tour bus with me and my band.

Basically, I’d seen Leo never stop working toward his graduate degree goal, and finally, we were able to celebrate all of his hard work.

I smiled like a loon, but then my lips turned down at the corners as pain gripped my rounded stomach. I discreetly breathed through the discomfort while I placed a comforting hand to my hard as a rock belly.
