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“What situation?” Sophy asked.

But Adam shook his head. “Never mind that. Let’s talk about you.”

“I’d rather not,” Sophy retorted.

Adam gave her his charming grin. She’d missed this side of him. And then he had to spoil it. “Harry thinks you are married, Sophy. Sir Geoffrey Bell? Is that his name?”

She glared at him. “I’m not.”

“You’re a widow then?”

“Adam, I am not married and I am not a widow. I live in Lambeth with my grandmother. I have a sponsor, Sir Geoffrey Bell, who is old enough to be my grandfather and is definitely not my husband, and nor does he wish to marry me.”

He chuckled. “I am glad to hear it. I have been asking around about Sir Geoffrey, and I did hear he was rather elderly. Not the sort of husband I would have chosen for you.”

“What sort of husband would you have chosen for me?” she said before she could stop herself.

He arched an eyebrow. “I think we both know the answer to that one.”

Sophy looked away from his direct stare. He saw too much. “Why did you think I was married?” she asked curiously. “My father did want me to marry my cousin, but Harry knew I wasn’t going to. I don’t understand how this rumour started.”

“A question that needs serious investigating,” he said, as if he wasn’t inclined to take it further.

Two pretty girls went past, casting Adam longing glances and giggling. Sophy noticed the brunette scowling.

“Now I know you are still single I can understand why Sir Geoffrey is sponsoring you,” he moved closer, his hazel eyes dancing wickedly. “He has powerful and influential friends. I’m sure he intends to make you a hit, Sophy.”

She snorted in an unladylike fashion, making him smile even more broadly, as if her lack of pretention pleased him.

“Shouldn’t you go back to your partner?” she said. “I don’t think she’s very happy to see you with me.”

“All the more reason to stay. Jealousy can be tiresome. Speaking of which … I’m sorry Harry ran after you at the Rowe’s ball. The night of his engagement to the beautiful Lady Evelyn,” he added with a smirk, as if his brother’s behaviour amused him.

She gave him a hard stare.

Adam sighed. “You know that Harry would have thought he was doing the right thing, engaging himself to Evelyn. Unlike me, he’s always been the good and obedient son, and Father was salivating when he heard Evelyn was interested in Harry. The Rowes are wealthy and influential, and let’s face it, Sophy, you are not.”

“He loves her,” it wasn’t really a question. “That’s the real truth, isn’t it?”

Adam shrugged but he looked uncomfortable.

Of course he loved her, and Evelyn loved him. Why else would she choose Harry from the many gentlemen who had queued to offer their hands?

“Why didn’t you tell me about Evelyn?” she asked quietly. “That day in Hyde Park, why didn’t you tell me about her?”

His mouth tugged into a sheepish smile. “I don’t know. I suppose it didn’t feel right for me to tell you. That was Harry’s job.”

“He owes me nothing,” she said sharply.

Adam turned and scanned the crowd as if he hadn’t heard her. “Are you going to land a duke?” There was that wicked glint in his eyes. “Although dukes are few and far between this Season. Maybe an Earl would do, or perhaps even a lowly Viscount?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she snapped. “I’m not hoping to ‘land’ anyone, as you so charmingly put it. I am doing this for my grandmother’s sake, and Sir Geoffrey’s. They are being very kind, and they seem to be getting far more enjoyment from all of this than me. So I will do my best to obey their wishes, for this one season.” She held up one finger, to impress it upon him.

Adam laughed at her. There was no reason for it, Sophy thought crossly, but then Adam had always been annoying. When he saw her sour expression he bit his lip, forcing the humour back.

“Harry is getting married in November,” he said. “What will you do then, Sophy?”

Sophy’s heart jolted at the thought of Harry’s wedding, but she refused to let it dim her spirits. “I suppose I will do as I always have and continue to live my life. Despite what you seem to think of me, my days do not revolve around keening and gnashing my teeth for Harry.”
