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He stared at me like I was crazy. “Frog’s hair? Where did you come up with that?”

“My grandmother was full of sayings. I kind of picked up on a lot of them,” I tried to explain, but ended up grimacing as my scalp continued to throb.

He smiled. “Grandmothers are good for that.” He carefully helped me to stand. "Here, come and sit. You're a little pale." He took me by the elbow and led me to a chair at the table where I usually ate my lunch. He knelt in front of me and studied my face with concern.

"I'm fine, really. I'm glad you happened by when you did, though." I closed my eyes reached back and massaged my scalp where Seth had pulled my hair. "I thought only women pulled hair during a fight," I muttered.

My eyes flew back open when bigger hands brushed mine aside and took over rubbing my scalp as he smoothed the strands. "Wh...what are you doing?" I whispered.

He ignored my question. "You were really something just now. I happened to pass by and heard the door slam.” He finished fussing with my hair and sat in a chair opposite me. "What happened, anyway?"

My first instinct was to defend myself, but Holt's gentle touch and soft voice reassured me he wasn't accusing me of any wrong doing, just genuinely concerned. I explained about the bogus charges.

"Why didn't you just accept the invoice and let Mrs. Holmes know what he was doing?"

I shrugged. "I'm used to fighting my own battles, I guess. I've had to take care of myself for a long time, Holt." His brow furrowed, and I suspected he was going to question that statement further, so I changed the subject. "What are you doing down here anyway?"

"I was in the library. Timing is everything it turns out." He glanced at his watch and stood up. "Speaking of, it's lunchtime. There's this really good deli down the street. Would you like to join me? I think you've earned an extra break."

"To eat?" I almost squeaked I was so surprised.

Holt grinned. "That's what one usually does with lunch, isn't it?"

"I brought my lunch," I said, torn between wanting to spend time with Holt and knowing it probably wasn't a smart idea. "Besides, I'm not sure it would be appropriate."

Holt's look darkened. "You need to explain that statement to me."

"Well, I mean, you're dressed in a suit and all sharp looking, and I've got toner stains on my fingers and dressed all casual and --"

"You can't eat with me because I'm wearing a suit?" He stared at me like I was crazy.

"! I don't know. It's just you're..." I struggled to explain, feeling like the fool I probably was. "You're a lawyer, and I'm me. Besides, I think Misty would get upset." I finished on a whisper.

His stare looked incredulous. "What the hell does Misty have to do with this?"

I stared at the floor. I had no reason to be jealous. Nor did I want to get involved in any form of drama, and Misty was drama incarnate. She'd been here longer and could easily make my life here miserable. "She was more than happy to inform me how you took her to lunch and it's just a matter of time before she works directly with you. I don't want to cause any trouble between you two."

His jaw dropped before he mumbled, "Lord preserve me from crazy women." He stepped in front of me. "First, I didn't take her to lunch. She ambushed me while I was out on my own and invited herself to sit at my table. Second, she and I are not currently nor will be in any kind of relationship, personal or professional. And third, I'm not done with your other comment about me being seen with you." He grabbed my elbow and began to pull me toward the door. "Let's go."

Later I would blame it on shock that I followed his caveman tactics without question as he marched us both down the hallway. I could barely keep up with his long strides. He paused suddenly outside Mrs. Holmes's office door, and only his hand still holding my arm prevented me from stumbling right into him.

Mrs. Holmes was hanging up her phone and looked up startled by our abrupt arrival at her door. "Oh, Maddy. I was going to look for you. Are you alright, dear?" She gave me a concerned l

ook before looking curiously at Holt. "Is there another problem, Mr. Andrews?"

"I think Ms. Stone needs a break to recover from the disturbing treatment she received earlier. Would it be an imposition if she takes a longer than usual lunch?" He gave Mrs. Holmes a charming smile and suddenly she was aglow with her smiles.

"Oh, heavens, no," she gushed. "I was going to tell her to go home and relax for the rest of the day. Go and enjoy lunch with Mr. Andrews, dear. It will be good for you to get out, and I know he'll take good care of you."

Holt smiled smugly at me. 'See?' his look seemed to say.

I rolled my eyes and blew out my breath. "Fine. But I'll be back afterward. I don't need the afternoon off."

"Come on, tough stuff." He rested his hand on my lower back and guided me back down the hallway toward the elevator. As we turned the corner, I literally ran into Misty. I'd have fallen if Holt hadn't grabbed me once again.

"Watch where you're going," she snapped at me before seeing who my companion was. Once she did, she was all smiles and flirtatious looks. "Oh, Mr. Andrews. I was just on my way up to your office to drop these off." She waved a manila folder in the air.

"I'm sure Linda will be glad to finally get them," he answered curtly. "She's been looking for them for quite awhile."
