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"A what?"

"A Missus,” I smirked. “She's looking for a rich husband."

"Oh," she grinned. "Cute."

"Maddy, please don't worry about what anyone knows about you at work. One, there’s almost no way they could have found out. And second, you've made a very positive impression on everyone you've come in contact with. My secretary is always singing your praises, and she hardly ever says anything nice about anybody. So trust in that, okay?"

"You really believe that?"

"I do."

She sipped at her Diet Coke. "Thank you. It's nice to have someone believe in me for a change." She peered shyly up at me through her long eyelashes. She looked so sweet at that very moment. Just friends, I reminded myself and took a long drink of my iced tea to distract the direction of my thoughts.

"You're very good at convincing people about things. I wish I had someone like you on my case several years ago. It might have gone differently," she whispered.

That vulnerability flitted across her face, touching again on that desire to protect her. Without thinking, I reached for her hand resting next to her plate. "I would have fought hard for you."

Her warm fingers closed around min

e, adding another spark to my desire for her. "I believe you."

"So what is your story, Madelyn?"

She quickly withdrew her hand and wrapped it around her glass. I hated the loss I felt and cursed myself for speaking my thought out loud. She sat up straighter as she struggled to regain her composure.

"It's certainly no fairytale," she finally answered and leveled her hazel eyes on me. She tilted her head just a bit as if surveying me, like she was trying to see beyond appearances and search deep inside me.

"What's your story, Holt? You know more about me than I do about you. Fair’s fair, wouldn't you say?"

I grinned at her tactic and avoided her question. "Nice deflection." Thankfully, I was saved from further questions when the waiter brought our meals.

Maddy took a big bite of her French dip sandwich. "Mmm. Oh, wow. That's so good.”

Her voice dropped to that same huskiness I’d heard her use during her tutoring, and once again I found myself aroused. My hands paused halfway to my mouth as she rolled her eyes heavenward and chewed slowly, and I stared shamelessly as her mouth worked the food as if her tongue was caressing the sandwich. My eyes closed as I imagined her uttering those same words with a mouthful of me.

I was fucked. Friends didn't picture another friend giving a blowjob.

"Aren't you hungry?" Her innocent voice drew me back.

"What? Oh, um, yes. I thought I was going to sneeze. Didn't want my mouth full."

Her nose wrinkled up. "Eww. Thanks for sparing me."

Somehow I managed to keep up my end of small talk the rest of the meal. Maddy was great company, smiling, laughing softly, or asking questions like she was truly interested in my work, my interests, and my family. She didn’t putter on about her girlfriends, shopping, and other trivial bullshit. It was refreshing, and I found our time passed quickly, much like it did the evening I shared her dinner at her apartment. I was distracted by her movements which were graceful and natural, as opposed to the overt and flirtatious, almost rehearsed, gestures some women used.

I sighed as I realized I had spent more time talking to her than eating. I didn’t remember the last time that happened, since conversation with a woman was more a necessity than a pleasure when your motivation was never in getting to know her further except how tight her pussy was or how fast she could make me come.

I was anxious to get back to the office to put some distance between us. I needed back on neutral ground, where I knew what my role was and could remember what hers was, because here the line was increasingly blurred.

After the waitress brought the bill, Maddy excused herself to use the restroom while I took the bill to the cashier and waited for her. Maddy's features looked pinched as she tried to navigate her way through a group that had gathered near the takeout counter. To me, they seemed like they were simply a group of friends that were enthusiastically greeting each other. But based on the look on Maddy’s face it appeared it was more frightening. She flinched when someone shouted and ducked when a man near her flung out a hand to slap a buddy on the back. It was more than frustration; she looked scared.

I headed in her direction to help.

I jostled a few shoulders as I pushed my way to her and managed to clasp her hand. She started to jerk away until she saw it was me. A small thrill rattled my brain knowing it was me that caused her alarmed look to relax into a trusting smile. I had just put my arm around her shoulders so I could shelter her the rest of the way when one of the guys on her other side turned too fast and bumped right into a waiter carrying a tray of steaming bowls. Years of military training kicked in, and I instinctively tucked her into me and turned my back to shield her while I held up an arm so the tray didn't hit her. I flinched as hot soup rained down everywhere.

Everyone stood stunned for a few seconds in the aftermath. Pandemonium released and everyone scurried around trying to help those who had soup spilled on them. Someone offered me several dry napkins which I automatically accepted.

At my side, Maddy was frantically pulling at my arm, causing me to realize exactly where my reach had landed when I pulled her against me. My hand held a soft mound of flesh. Time seemed to slow as I felt the laciness of her bra and her nipple rub against my hand as her ass ground against the front of my legs as she wiggled.
