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His eyes twinkled. “I can handle it if you can,” he grinned.

And that was part of the problem. I wasn’t sure I could.



Life in the office remained calm and quiet after that upstart Misty tried to start her drama. I hadn’t seen her around since then. I knew Maddy was a bit nervous about how everyone would treat her now that they knew her background, but most had liked her before and didn’t let the new knowledge change their opinion. Others remained politely distant. As long as they didn’t hurt her feelings, it was fine.

Maddy was every bit as good as my assistant as I knew she’d be. She didn’t know legal terminology, but she was learning fast and caught on quickly to what I needed for her to do. She was an efficient note-taker, could lay her hands on any paperwork I needed, and turned out to be a remarkable researcher. I could see how she’d been a good student.

There hadn’t been any more communications from Charly, and we hadn’t noticed any further ‘stalkings.’ But I didn’t for a minute believe she was out of danger. My investigator, Dave, checked in daily, but we hadn’t learned anything of further help to track down who or why they were interested in Maddy.

Living with Maddy was the other bright spot in my life. I loved waking up with her every morning and a routine fell into place easily for us, as if we’d been doing it for years. I even found myself picking up on a few of her expressions which made her giggle hysterically when I botched them. In the evenings, we’d fallen into an easy pattern of either eating out or fixing dinner together, which she preferred and I was totally on board for.

Then we’d clean up and sometimes start to watch a television show, but I don’t think we’d caught the end of a show yet; we always ended up making love somewhere – on the couch, in the kitchen, on the living room floor. We’d even managed to make it into the bedroom a couple of times before we practically jumped each other. Maddy’s passion closely equaled my own and her shyness had given way to growing boldness.

With Sara’s help, she’d put together what she called a more professional wardrobe to go with her new job. It made me happy to see her finally making some real friends. She and Ashley took their breaks together, and one night she and Sara had come over and they’d had a ‘girls’ night,’ whatever the hell that meant. Cal and I had hidden in my study to get away from all cackles and laughter. I wished we’d been able to go out, but even though I felt like my apartment was safe I was not taking any chances and leaving her side. When it was over and everyone had gone home, her eyes were alight with happiness. She flung herself into my arms and kissed me with enthusiasm and then skirted around chattering about ‘Sara this’ and ‘Ashley that’ while she tidied up. I had to admit it gave me a lot of pleasure to see Maddy blossom and act like a young woman her age should.

“It’s good to see that they put such a smile on your beautiful face,” I told her.

She smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s boring for you to hear about it over and over. I just never had girlfriends to do silly things with, like trying out makeup or sharing the latest gossip or…” she paused. “Oops. Sorry. I’m doing it again.”

“If it puts more smiles on your face like that, I’ll gossip with you. In fact, I heard just today that Dan Sullivan was looking for a good mechanic and Mallory Kirkland mentioned she was going to…wait for it…go grocery shopping after work! I mean, can you believe that?”

She slapped me playfully on the chest. “Oh, stop. But if you h

ave any makeup tips, I’d be interested in hearing them,” she giggled.

“Here’s one. You don’t need it to be beautiful.”

“Aw, you flatterer,” she said and stood on her toes to kiss me. Her arms stayed wrapped around my neck and I brought mine to rest on her hips. “Those girls do put a smile on my face. But you,” she tapped on my chest, “you put one in my heart.”

I used the rest of the evening to show her just how many ways I knew to put a smile on her face as well.

Thinking back to that night and how we’d fallen asleep with our bodies sweaty and exhausted, I struggled to keep my mind on my work. I’d always thought she was a natural beauty, but recently she was drop dead gorgeous. Some of it was wearing some minimal makeup and better fitting clothes, but most of it was just the way she smiled more and carried herself with more confidence.

I studied her over my reading glasses. She was focused on typing up some notes. She was wearing a white silky blouse that was fitted at the waist so that it showed off her curves, and some kind of black skirt that was shorter on one side than the other. At that moment she yawned and stretched, and I could see the curves of her breasts strain against the material. Yeah, I might have kept her awake a little too late into the early morning hours last night.

I yanked off my glasses and dropped them on my desk. “Miss Stone,” I called and bit back a smile as she jerked forward from stretching. “May I see you in here for a moment, please?”

She scurried to her feet and came in.

“Shut the door, please,” I commanded.

She looked puzzled, but did as requested and moved to stand in front of my desk.

“Madelyn, I’m starting to think this arrangement isn’t going to work.”

She looked stunned and hurt. “What? Why? I thought you were happy with my work.”

I walked around my desk and stood before her. I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Because I keep envisioning calling you into my office so I can bend you over my desk and fuck you.”

“Holt!” she gasped and her mouth parted. I pinned her with my gaze, letting her know I wasn’t kidding. Her eyes dilated, and her breathing grew shallower while she pulled in her lower lip and bit it. Her eyes darted to the closed door and a little grin crept up the corners of her mouth.

Fuck me, she was considering it! My dick grew even harder. I placed a palm on her stomach where her blouse tucked into her skirt. I deliberately let my body brush along hers as I moved around to her back, while I hooked my thumb over her waistband and let my fingers spread so that the tips rested over her pelvic bone. I brushed her hair off her shoulders and skimmed my nose along the curve of her neck.

“I sit here all day and think of all the ways I want to have you, Maddy,” I whispered. Her breath hitched and her head fell to the side to allow me more access. It seemed she liked a little dirty talk! I pulled her flush against my erection. “Feel that Maddy? That’s what you’ve done to me sitting at your desk out there.”
