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She nodded solemnly. “Like Rapunzel. It was pretty.”

“It’s even prettier in the summer when the flowers are blooming.”

“Maybe we can come back and pick some flowers for my mommy.”

I smiled. “Sure. We can do that.”

“Did the prince ever come and rescue you, Auntie?”

I glanced at Holt and smiled before looking back at her. “He did, Lily. When I was least expecting him, he rode in and saved me.”

“Aunt Maddy? What’s going to happen to me?” Her little voice trembled.

Looking her straight in the eyes, I answered, “Nothing, honey. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise. We have a few things to figure out, that’s all.” I pulled her into my embrace and hugged her tight.

Lily wrapped her arms around my neck and hung on for dear life. “Can I come live with you?”

Oh, this girl already owned my heart. I’d do anything for her, just as Charly said I’d want to do. “Would you like that, Lily?”

Lily’s chestnut curls bobbed up and down in an affirmative. “I love you, Auntie.” I thought my heart had been full when Holt told me he loved me, but now I saw how easily the heart had the capacity to grow when it came to love. I soaked it in eagerly, never having experienced it like this before.

After the interment, the rest of the families headed back toward Richmond, except this time, Lily rode with us. She was fascinated by baby Cara and sat in the middle row with her, while Holt and I sat in the back watching them. In a spontaneous moment, I asked

Cal if he would mind taking a tour of the old town. Most of the storefronts were empty, abandoned homes dotted the streets, and many of those that were occupied looked worn and tired. When we passed the familiar trailer park, I clung to Holt’s hand. I shut my eyes tight and reminded myself how far I had journeyed since that day. Ironic how I’d come full circle.

“Auntie Maddy, look! There’s the field you told me about.”

My eyes flew open. “Cal, would you mind if I got out for just a minute?”

He pulled over to the curb while I pulled on my coat. Holt struggled to do the same, but I placed a gentle hand on his arm. “No,” I said softly. “I need to do this by myself.”

Reluctantly, he settled back in my seat. “Okay. But I’m here if you need me.”

I smiled. “And that’s what makes it different this time.”

I walked through the field, running my fingers across the top of the tall grasses. What I’d told Lily was true, it was much prettier in the summer when the wildflowers bloomed. But there was still something peaceful about the way the breeze rustled the pine trees on the edge several yards away.

I closed my eyes and imagined what it might have looked like once upon a time. I envisioned fields with ripe grains, a family garden close to the house with vegetables galore, and children running and playing hard in this very spot. I remembered how I used to think I was saving the flowers that had sprung up in their place from their fate of being choked out by the weeds.

Opening my eyes, I took a few more steps, and then I saw them – a patch of beautiful red flowers, blooming tall above the surrounding weeds, thriving in spite of their environment. Like me. Like Charly eventually had. Like Lily would.

I plucked one of the stems and headed back to the car. Holt was standing at the edge of the field. I smiled. I should have known. He was giving me my space, but staying nearby, reminding me he was there and would never leave me.

“What’s that?” he asked when I came to a stop in front of him, resting his good arm around my waist.

“A reminder,” I answered. When he raised his eyebrow in question, I explained, “A reminder of yesterday - the dreams I used to have, the experiences that have reshaped them, and the promise that tomorrow comes anyway.” I slid my arms up around his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. “And I gotta tell you, Mr. Andrews, tomorrow is looking pretty damn fine from where I’m standing.”

“From here, too, sweetheart. I can’t wait to spend all of them with you.”



5 months later

“Where’s Lily?” I looked around for my niece. I’d just come home from tutoring at Mary’s after school clinic.

“She’s with Grandma Fran and Grandpa Vic. They went out to celebrate the end of the year.”
