Page 3 of Dirty Summer 8

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“Hold on.” She heard the friendly voice through the door.

“Blair?” Reid stepped back with a puzzled look on his face. “What are you doing here?”

“Can I come in?” She smiled, knowing the last time she had actually exchanged words with Justyn’s cousin she had sounded like a sailor.

“Yeah, come on in.” Reid pulled the door to the side, allowing Blair to step inside. “So, I’m just going to guess you’re here to see Justyn.”

Blair twirled on the heels of her boots. “Good guess. Is he here?” She was hoping he would appear from the office.

“No. He’s up at the Dock House. It’s Tuesday. You remember Tuesday nights around here, don’t you?” He had taken a seat on a nearby stool.

“Of course I do. I just didn’t know where I’d find him, so I thought I’d try here first.” The disappointment that Justyn wasn’t here washed over her.

“Don’t look so sad, girl. He’ll be back.”

Blair took a step toward the door. She hadn’t flown hours and then driven three more to sit around and wait for Justyn to show up.

“Thanks, I’m going to go see him.”

“I guess some things don’t change.” Reid exhaled.

“What does that mean?”

“You always going after what you want—same ol’ Blair.” Reid smiled.

“Some things do change. Like you and Maggie.” She hadn’t planned on getting into it with him, and honestly, she would rather hunt down the man she wanted to see, but there were some things she wanted to say that had been festering for the past month.

“Blair, I’m not going to discuss it with you. Justyn and I agreed that it was best for everybody if we kept all of this separate. Ok?”

“No, it’s totally not ok.” She stomped in his direction. “What you did to my friend was completely fucked up. She didn’t deserve that.”

“You can stand there and justify to me

that she lied to my face for an entire summer? She’s good. I’ll give her that. Faking that she didn’t know anything about the island or boats or the beach. She was just reeling me in one play at a time.”

Blair shoved him in the arm. “Are you a complete idiot? Maggie isn’t like that and she didn’t do anything to you except not tell you her last name.”

“Right. You’re her best friend. Of course you’d say that.”

Blair huffed in his direction. She loved Maggie and she wanted her to be happy, but trying to convince Reid of what really happened might be a lost cause.

“Reid, you believe what you want to believe. But, I just flew two thousand miles to see Justyn, because more than anything in this world, I want to be with him. Me—I did that. The girl who doesn’t do much for anybody. The girl who promised she could handle a summer fling and doesn’t cry at good-byes. I am here to be with him.”

“Uh, great. I’m happy for you two. I don’t see what that has to do with Maggie and her lies.”

“Because I’m not about to jeopardize all of this”—she threw her hands in the air—“for a lie. I don’t know what Justyn has been doing for the past month, but when I see him, I’m going to tell him all these feelings. And I’m not about to take the chance that for one second he would doubt me or think I would lie to him. I am not a liar. Maggie is not a liar. She should have told you her last name; I’ll give you that. But she was only trying to help you line up bigger capital investors that you didn’t have access to.”

Reid’s playful banter face transformed to shock.

Blair continued the lecture. “Mr. Zeal is a nice man. I know you hate his boats, but he can’t help who drives his boats. Maggie would never suggest he or anyone else in this world buy your business when she knows it’s the one thing you love most in your life.”

Blair withdrew her keys and marched toward the door. Reid was completely speechless. “Hey, Blair, wait.”

“What?” She was fired up.

“Where’s Maggie?” His voice was quiet.

Blair thought for a second. Would she be selling her friend out if she told him? Maggie’s words from their earlier conversation played back in her head. If she had experienced half of the torture Blair did in Texas, then she needed help too.
