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“His Royal Highness has not given instructions, mademoiselle.”

“Well, I—I’m visiting.” I tried to think of how to put our arrangement in suitable terms. I had already been warned once about my word choice. “His Royal Highness asked me to stay.” It sounded funny referring to him that way. I knew he was the king, but I don’t think the weight of his position had hit me yet. After last night I felt things were as personal as they could be between us.

The men didn’t budge. “There are no instructions,” he repeated.

I crossed my arms. What in the hell was I going to do? I couldn’t wander aimlessly around the palace. They weren’t going to let me upstairs. I was starving. And I needed to get home to check on my best friend.

I was going to make one more attempt to plead for their compassion when an older gentleman appeared from a side room. He was thin with a silvery mustache.

“What is this? Are you lost, madam?”

“Oh no.” I shook my head. “I’m visiting the king and wanted to return to the royal residence,” I explained.

“Master Sutcliffe, we don’t have her on the royal roster and there are no instructions from the king,” the guard informed him.

“I see.” He glanced at me. I could tell from the way he looked at me, he wasn’t going to take pity on me. “You’re sure you didn’t get separated from a tour group?”

“I’m not on a tour of the palace. I’ve been with Damon.”

His eyes widened at the use of the king’s first name.

“I was in the royal library, studying texts. And now I’d like to go upstairs.”

He folded his hands behind his back. “I’m afraid that is impossible. Do you have some form of identification?”

I had nothing on me. It was against all the rules of The Titan.


“Then, I’m going to ask you to leave.” He turned to the security officer. “If this becomes a problem, please call me.”

“Yes, sir.”

He stormed off down the corridor toward the library.

I sighed. “Is Georgan here?” I asked. “The driver?”


“Would he be able to take me home?”

The officers looked at each other.

“He brought me here last night. I’m not a tourist.” I was getting irritated with the royal treatment.

They finally seemed to be convinced by some part of my story. “Outside, mademoiselle. His car is parked in the tunnel.”

“All right. If you see D—” I corrected myself. “His Royal Highness, will you please tell him for me that I went home?”


“Thank you.” I felt this innate need to curtsy, but stopped before I reached the hem of my skirt. I turned for the door and walked outside. I recognized the car from last night. Georgan polished the eagle on the hood.

“Bonjour.” I smiled. Maybe talking to the driver wouldn’t be as awkward. “Hola.” I didn’t

know what to say.

He looked up from the hood ornament.
