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Charlie knows.

My stomach sank. How? I sat on the edge of the bed. I thought we had been careful. I thought we had made sure no one had seen us together. There was no way. This was ridiculous. We needed to talk about this. Not text.

Call me.

I waited for the phone. To hear the deep throaty voice that made me shiver with excitement. Two weeks apart had been agony. The only thing holding me together had been the promise of this trip and right now it felt as if it were falling apart.

I didn’t know if I could take that. I didn’t know if I had the kind of resolve I needed to power through another day without Luke.

A few minutes passed before my phone rang.

“Hey,” I answered on the first ring. “What’s going on?”

“You can’t go to the hospital.”

“I read the text. Why not?” I still wasn’t willing to cancel the visit without some kind of emergency reason.

“Because Charlie wants me to use your trip as another chance for us to be seen together. It’s supposed to be another headline for me. And I can’t get out of it.”


bsp; “What do you mean?”

Luke’s PR manager didn’t have the same hold over him as Jake had over me. Of course he could say no. He had already ended things between us in the press. He could keep up his end of the deal. We only had four more weeks to go. Once we were on the red carpet at the CYAs this would all be out in the open. I could go to his games without hiding. He could watch me perform from backstage. We could spend the holidays together. Go skiing. All those things normal couples did. It was four weeks away.

“If you don’t go to the hospital then it’s not a fucking problem, Alexa. Don’t go and we don’t have to worry about it.”

I didn’t like his tone. None of it. I narrowed my eyes. “Excuse me?”

“Cancel it and this goes away for now.”

“Why should I have to cancel a charity event? You need to tell Charlie you aren’t going to ambush my appearance. We have an agreement.” I tossed that on the end, but I realized it was a mistake.

“Do you think I’m trying to out us? Because that’s the opposite of what I’m trying to do. Why are you being so stubborn? Don’t go to the hospital.”

“You shouldn’t go to the hospital.”

He groaned into the phone. “If you go, I have to go. If you don’t then there is no story. This is on you, Alexa.”

“It is not. This is my job. Do you have any idea how many children are waiting to see me? Can you imagine their expressions or how their hearts are going to feel if they find out I canceled? And why would I? There’s no good reason for it.”

“The reason is to protect your precious image.”

“Precious? Are you mocking it?”

“Shit. Stop picking a fight with me. You don’t know what I’ve dealt with today. You have no idea what I’ve tried to do for you.”

“You’re right. I don’t. But I thought I came here to see my boyfriend and do some charity work. Maybe I’ll only do one of those.”

He huffed. “You’re serious? You’re that mad?”

I didn’t know what I was. Everything was crumbling and crashing around me like shards of shattered glass at my feet. Why was Luke doing this—making me choose between sick children and my relationship with him. Why was he arguing? Why didn’t he just take care of it?

“Maybe I am.” But I wasn’t. I wanted to see him. I had craved another look into his eyes since he was in Nashville. I’d been waiting for his lips. Desperate for his hands.

I didn’t like being backed in a corner and neither did he.

“Fuck, Alexa. You aren’t making this easy.”
