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“It’s not true. None of it. I’ve never even met the girl, but it doesn’t matter. I’m going through image rehab with Charlie. And she knows about us. She knows how I feel about you. Why I’ve been so damn adamant you stay out of this.”

“Wait, she?”

I shook my head. “Yeah, Charlie’s a she. I didn’t tell you that part?”

“You never mentioned that.”

“Not the point right now. The point is she wants you to fix my problem. She knows your schedule. She knows you’re going to the hospital. If I don’t go she’s going to tell management I’m not cooperating.”

“This is too much. Another girl? Pregnant?”

“God, no. She’s not. I’ve never met her.” I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “The only girl I’ve had that happen with is you, Alexa. I swear. You’re the only one.”

I wanted to take a step toward her, but her expression told me to hold off.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“What was there to tell? Some girl made up a story about me?”

“You could have told me the real reason for the PR problem from the beginning. You could have mentioned Charlie was a woman. How much have you been holding back from me, Luke? Is there more?”

“That’s it. It’s out. You know all of it. The rest you can read online. My sins are public. And that is the truth.”

She turned from me. I looked down at her boots. She wore those things everywhere.

“I don’t know what to say right now.”

“Fuck. Neither do I. Can’t you reschedule? Go tomorrow during the game.”


I nodded. It was the only thing that would work. I should have thought of it sooner.

“Yes. You go during the game. There’s no way Charlie can expect me to be at the hospital. And if you were really here to see me you’d never miss the game.”

“But I don’t want to miss the game. I want to see you. It’s supposed to be my first time to watch you play in person.”

There was some kind of primal instinct that kicked into my chest. The same one that made me want to shield her from hurt. The same one that told me I should beat the hell out of Jake. The one that told me she felt I was as much hers as she was mine.

“Hey, this is more important.”

I tipped her chin upward. I risked touching her.

“I’m sorry for what I said on the phone,” she whispered.

I brushed my thumb over her bottom lip. She wore more makeup than I was used to seeing her wear.

“I was an ass too.”

She kissed the pad on my thumb and sighed. “I missed you. I don’t want to be mad.”

“I don’t think this trip is turning out to be what we thought. I’m not going to be able to stay here tonight or tomorrow. You realize that.”

“What are we going to do?”

“First, call and say you need to see the kids tomorrow. Today isn’t going to work.”

“Ok.” She pulled out her phone and I waited while she changed the arrangements at the hospital.
