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in Deacon Rockford? Her heart hammered harder in her chest.

Johnson chuckled. “Watch out for this one. She’s feisty. You’ll see what I mean.” He blew her a kiss.

Abby glared at her captor as he retraced his steps to the elevator. Within seconds the doors closed behind him and he was gone.

It took Abby a minute to get her bearings. Riding in the back of a trunk had made her nauseated. She had been roughly pulled into the elevator and deposited in front of two men dressed in expensive suits.

Every possible scenario had gone through her head during the car ride. She never thought she’d end up at the top of one of the tallest buildings in Chicago. And certainly not standing in front of the city’s most eligible and famous bachelors. It wasn’t just any office. It was immaculate. Designed with every detail in mind.

“Now that he’s gone, maybe we could introduce ourselves properly. I’m Cole.” As he extended his palm toward her, Abby’s eyes narrowed.

“I know exactly who you are, Cole Evans.”

He dropped his hand.

“Then I assume you know I’m Deacon Rockford.”

“I don’t really care who you are.” She pulled her shoulders back. “What do you want with me?” She wasn’t interested in stroking their egos with how much she had read about them.

Cole smiled. He had perfect straight teeth. Maybe the best smile she’d ever seen. “Perhaps we could start with a drink? We have a full bar. Anything you want. Are you a martini drinker?”

“I don’t want anything of yours. I want an explanation and I want you to let me go.”

Deacon rubbed his chin. “That’s going to be difficult, sweetheart. At least for the next thirty days.”

“I won’t do it.”

“Do what?” Cole asked.

She didn’t want to play games. She had been a member of the Mantelli family long enough to know how these arrangements worked. She had witnessed them, but never thought she would actually be part of one. These were the kinds of things that happened to other people—not her. She had done everything she could to stay out of the business since last year.

“I won’t sleep with you,” she hissed. “Neither of you.”

Deacon chuckled. It was enough to make her want to lunge at him. He had a sexy smile, that made him even more irritating. Did women find his cockiness attractive? Was that how he got his reputation.

“I’m only offering drinks,” Cole stated. “How about a glass of wine so we can talk? No sex right now. I promise. We are at the office, my dear.”

She didn’t want to move an inch in their direction. She didn’t like how they mocked her. Or how apparent their sex appeal was. They had to be close to 6’3” or 6’4”. Deacon was slightly taller than Cole. Along with the height came broad shoulders and chiseled jaws. If she didn’t know better, she could have mistaken them from brothers. One with light features. The other with dark.

“Come on, sweetheart.” Deacon opened a hand toward her. “We won’t bite. We want to talk. Let’s get to know each other a little.”

“I was sold into an arrangement without my consent by my cousin, stuffed in the trunk of a car, dragged in here against my will, and you think cocktail hour is a problem I need to consider? And I hate martinis.”

“That answers one question.” Cole corked the gin and poured a glass of deep red wine. “It sounds like if anyone needs a drink, it would be you. Here. Drink.”

She stormed over to the bar. “Fine.” She snatched the goblet from his hand.

“Good. I hope you enjoy it. Let’s sit.” He pointed to an open chair for her.

Abby took a sit and assessed her new set of captors. Her heart still pounded, but after a sip of wine, she was calm enough to consider a conversation rather than arguing. The rage had settled to a low boil.

Deacon’s dark gaze was distracting. His eyes trailed all over her body. It made her feel strangely uncomfortable and attractive at the same time. Cole didn’t make things any better. His blue eyes were like something out of a movie. She had never seen blue that color before.

They were certainly an upgrade from Johnson and his burly hands.

She took another gulp of wine. Maybe getting drunk was the answer.

“Abby, Deacon and I want you to know you are our guest during this arrangement.”
