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“Your father was king for years. He was much older when he had the crown.”

“Don’t confuse age with wisdom. I’ve learned they aren’t synonymous.”

Sutcliffe puffed his chest forward. “She’ll do the same thing to you that Sophia did to Dominic. I’m only trying to protect the crown.”

I glared. “I’m the one who protects the crown.”

I walked toward the elevator, not giving a fuck how rude or abruptly I ended our conversation. Sutcliffe was here because I allowed him to be. If he didn’t embrace the new Royal Consort, he would not remain for long.



The creamy silk was unbelievable. I looked at the woman in the mirror. When had this happened? No messy bun. No glasses. No yoga pants.

“His Majesty will love this dress on you.” Ayla stood next to me, admiring her work.

“You think so?” I watched her expression in the mirror.

“It fits you perfectly.” She grinned. “The color is perfect for your skin. It’s almost bridal.”

There it was again. The hint that tonight’s ball meant more than moving into the palace. My stomach lurched. Wasn’t it possible for a royal to date without having to make a life commitment? Couldn’t we get to know each other first?

I turned from the mirror, nervously. “I better go. I don’t want him to wait.”

“I will be there if you need anything,” Ayla reassured me. “Try not to be nervous if you can.”

“Right. I’m meeting every member of the government and the entire royal family. No reason to be nervous at all.”

I thought I could throw up on my glittery heels. If I thought I was nervous on gala night, it was because I didn’t know nights like this existed. My ankles wobbled as I held the beaded clutch Ayla handed me.

“Just breath. You’ll be fine.”

“I can do anything for a few hours.” I convinced myself. Just don’t fall down, forget a dignitary’s name, or spill my champagne.

At the end of the night was the reward. Damon and I would be able to go public about our relationship. I could be with him every night. My skin warmed at the thought of sharing his bed. The way his mouth possessed mine. The way he touched me. The way he taught me to embrace a side of myself I had buried.

I nodded. Yes. I could do this.

“He would like to see you before you’re introduced. You can go through the service tunnel.”

I remembered Damon mentioning them to me before. I could barely navigate my way through the first floor of the main rooms. Learning a passageway system seemed unlikely.

“But where do I go?”

“We decided it’s the best way to ensure no one sees you together before the ball begins. If you start walking, he’ll meet you.” She grinned. “It’s perfectly safe. And there are lights along the walkway by your feet.”

It was ridiculous to be nervous about walking through a secret tunnel, but my heartbeat accelerated as she ushered me inside the narrow door. My mind flashed briefly to the dark hallway in The Titan where I awaited my first meeting with Damon. The mix of nervousness and adrenaline. I glanced down at my dress and smiled thinking of that naïve girl. Even with all her books and daydreams, she could have never imagined this.

The latch clicked behind me. I moved forward, following the tiny lights that illuminated the worn floorboards.

I wondered if the tunnels had always been here. My fingertips traced the lines of the walls. Th

ere were divots and crevices in the stone. How many times had people used this path for this same reason?

I carried the hem of my dress, careful not to let the train hit the floor. I passed several doors as I ventured farther. Where was Damon?

And then I heard his footsteps.
