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I ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn’t believe how vulnerable I felt in front of him dressed in his T-shirts.

There was a reason managers dressed a certain way. There was a reason we used titles. We had our place and royals had theirs.

“Whatever you like,” I answered.

“What do you like, Kenley?”

“I’m here for you.” I couldn’t let myself forget why I was in his apartment so late. It was for him. To serve the prince. No other reason but my duty and honor for the crown. If I repeated it enough times, maybe I’d believe it.

“That’s not what I asked.” His voice was flat.

“Ok.” I shrugged. “The truth is I don’t actually like to play games. Once I was too old to play Sharks and Dolphins as a child, it wasn’t much fun anymore. I’ve never been big on games.”

“Is that so?”

I nodded. “It is.” I smiled. “Although, I’ll beat you at trivia.”

He laughed. “Doesn’t seem likely since you don’t play.”

“Just because I don’t play, doesn’t mean I can’t annihilate you.” I peered at him.

“Annihilate? That’s a challenge I’ll take.”

I knew he was drawing me into a confrontation, but I couldn’t stop. I was always drawn to him, however this was different from completing my duty. I was torn between wanting to help the man I loved, versus protecting the prince I served. Either way, I was staying. And somehow he knew I wouldn’t walk out the door.

I slipped into the seat across from him. His eyes were bright as he took the lid off the box and stacked the cards. I tried to think of the last time they had looked like that. It certainly wasn’t the day I took him to Spain.

Everything about him was more alert. More vibrant now. There was a confidence and cockiness that was magnetic.

He placed the board between us and handed the dice to me. His fingertips touched mine.

“You roll first.”

I looked at him, shaking the dice in my palm. They rolled on the board. It was the only sound in the apartment. Was he holding his breath too?

“Six.” I counted out the spaces on the playing surface.

“National history,” he announced, plucking the top card.

I wasn’t sure how I concentrated when Dominic read the first question. Maybe it was because the nerdy side of my brain kicked in and I was determined to answer all the questions correctly. Maybe it was because I was willing to latch on to anything, other than his kissable lips.

I was always the star student. It was the reason I was chosen as the manager for the heir to the throne. No one could outscore me on royal traditions or law. Not even a prince.



It wasn’t working. There weren’t enough distractions. I should be exhausted after the day I’d had, but every wire in my body was lit. I wasn’t going to bed anytime soon.

I looked at Kenley pinching her eyes together over one of the ques

tions. We were almost finished with the game. She had killed me. I didn’t need another round to know she wasn’t kidding about annihilating me.

“Let’s get out of here,” I announced.

I could have bet that Kenley would protest. There wasn’t an impulsive bone in her body. If it wasn’t written in blood on the royal schedule, she didn’t want to sign off.

“It’s late,” she argued. “I probably should leave.” She looked at the clock over my shoulder.
