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For the first time, I saw him hesitate. “Wave Oasis.”

“That’s a nice choice.” I had booked a week there for graduation. It was the island’s most popular resort. I wondered if he had met Sasha at the desk. “Ok, how about you cancel your reservation and take one of the rooms here? Room twenty-three is available and has the best ocean view.”

Aiden laughed. “You have got to be kidding. Me? Here?”

“It’s not that funny. I think it’s important for you to get to know the place your father loved before you try to destroy it.”

I did

n’t think Aiden had a legal leg to stand on, but I wasn’t a law student. If there was a way I could at least get him to stop talking to developers and threatening Cole with demolition, that would be one battle won.

“You’re serious.” His eyes narrowed.

I nodded. “Dead serious.”

He looked at me, and then glanced through the window, eyeing the two rows of rooms. I wasn’t feeling confident about my offer. I shifted restlessly.

“Ok. I’ll stay a few nights. Try out the Dunes, but I don’t want you to get your little heart broken when I have to file a list of complaints the first night.”

I faked a laugh. “I’m not worried one bit. You’re going to see all the things that make this a special place, not one that needs to be forgotten.” I pulled out the reservation book that was now stained with coffee. “I’m going to put you down for room twenty-three. It’s the room I stayed in when I first came to Padre.”

“In that case, I already like it.”

I ignored the comment. “Anyway, when do you think you could check out of Wave Oasis?”

“If you’re so anxious to get this party started, I can do it right now. I’ll go get my bags.”

“Great.” I closed the book on the desk. “See you soon.”

He stood to leave. “Can’t wait. Cocktail hour at five?”

I shook my head. “No, there’s no cocktail hour at the Dunes, but if you don’t cause any trouble, I’m sure Hank would be happy to have you at Peabody’s. That’s the local hangout where you had lunch. You can walk there from here.”

“Me? Trouble? Kaitlyn, I’m hurt you think I’d start trouble.” He turned toward the door. “Want to join me? I’d love to buy you a drink.”

I almost had to close my jaw with my hand. Was he actually asking me out even though I told him I was with Cole?

“Cole’s waiting on me.”

“Maybe another time.” He threw me a wink as he walked out the door.

Sure, Cole was overprotective and jealous, but he might have been right this time. I couldn’t think about that now. Changing Aiden’s mind about the Dunes was more important. I could handle the flirting.

I rushed to the supply closet and loaded my arms with all the new supplies: shampoo, soap, fluffy towels. I had no idea what kind of shape room twenty-three was in, but I had maybe twenty minutes to get it up to five-star status.



I glowered at my leg. How the fuck did I end up like this? I’d survived roadside bombs and gunfire in the desert and never had pain like this. The irony was on display. I had buddies who had lost arms. Feet. Their lives. And I was on a damn roof working on shingles.

I cursed until I ran out of words.

How in the hell was I supposed to run the Dunes like this? How did I take care of Grayson? And Kaitlyn? I couldn’t put all the responsibility on her. It was too much. I clenched my fist. I couldn’t stay in this bed and let her fuss over me.

She would do it all. I knew her. That big heart of hers wouldn’t stop until she knew I was ok and Grayson was tucked in dreaming happy thoughts every single night. Because that’s the kind of amazing woman she was. Fearless when she should have been scared shitless. Full of hope when things were falling apart. Optimistic when an opportunistic dick had shown up to destroy everything I had.

I didn’t know anyone like her.
