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“Getting a mature and seasoned groom over here.” I waited for him to answer. “Hey, Cal. Do you know where Sasha’s aunt lives? Ok. Head on over, but come to the kitchen door and don’t let the fifty women out front see you.”

I hung up and looked at my miserable friend. “He said he’ll be here in five minutes.”

“You didn’t have to do that.” I thought I already saw the color coming back to her cheeks.

“Yes, I did. Sometimes the only thing that can make you feel better and reassure you everything is ok is a pair of strong arms.”

“Speaking from experience?” She smiled.

I laughed. “Totally. Now, I’ll go out, mingle for a few minutes, and tell them you’re in the bathroom or something. Why don’t you wait on the kitchen porch for your man?” I motioned to the door.

She hugged me through a sniffle. “When I get through this, I’m giving you the award for best bridesmaid.”

“I don’t need that. I only want you and Cal to get married. Courthouse, beach, church, Jamaica. I don’t care—as long as you are happy and get to wear that awesome dress.”

She walked on to the porch and I guarded the door. She needed Cal more than anything right now.

And why couldn’t I take my own advice? I’d been carrying this secret around on my own. Terrified. Worried. And sick and exhausted.

If I kept waiting for the perfect time to fall in my lap it would be when I was in labor. So what if there were wedding parties? Who cared if my best friend was in town? What difference did it make if Cole was on crutches and Grayson had an earache? Was I really going to let Aiden’s decisions dictate our lives?

This was our life. This was our messy complicated beautiful life. I fell in love with Cole ten years ago because he was gorgeous and sexy. Strong and charming. He could handle anything.

I knew this pregnancy wasn’t planned. But I also knew he loved me. Loved me enough to stand up to my family. Enough to ask me to move in with him. Enough to share his son with me and be a family.

I smiled when Cal ran up the stairs and hugged Sasha. I looked for my purse. I couldn’t wait any longer.

I think I had found my perfect time.



“How was the shower?” I lifted my head from the computer when Kaitlyn walked in.

“Umm… it was interesting. A little overwhelming.” She slumped into an open kitchen chair.

I didn’t know what went on at those things.

“What are you working on?” she asked.

“Legal research for the Dunes. Thought I should read up on what’s involved for someone to contest a will.”

“Doesn’t sound very fun.”

“No, it’s not, but I need to know what I’m up against before I hire an attorney.” I scribbled a few notes on a notepad.

“Don’t you know anyone you could ask for advice before you have to hire someone?”

“I’d rather not get my friends involved. This is going to be brutal.” Everything about this situation was fucked up.

“Is Grayson napping?” she asked.

“Mmm-hmm.” I scrolled through the website.

“Maybe we could have a few minutes then.”

I looked at her. She was fidgeting with the hem of her dress.
