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Cole tipped the bottle toward his lips. “Sure is. We haven’t had enough of this since you moved down here.”

The wind whipped around the alcove, but in here, I felt safe. It was as if we were secluded from the rest of the world. The cyclone that was the wedding. The dirtiness of the lawsuit. The uncertainty of our future. In here, it was only Cole and me. And our baby.

We didn’t talk. We listened to the waves roll on the beach until our drinks were empty and I started to shiver from the chill of the wind.

Cole helped me up, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Let’s go get you warmed up.”

I followed him to the cottage, hoping this night never ended.



My phone was ringing, but I was in a tangled web of sheets and couldn’t get to it. I spun on my stomach to loosen the wrapping when Cole handed the phone to me. I couldn’t believe it. He was still in bed.

“Here you go.”


“Kaitlyn, you aren’t going to believe this,” Mary Ellen shrieked in my ear.

“What’s going on?” I sank into my pillow.

“I’m on my way to South Padre.”

“What?” I looked at Cole, but he wasn’t paying attention to the call. His hand was sneaking over my hips.

“Aiden called me last night and said he wanted to fly me in for Sasha’s wedding.

she announced. “He bought me a ticket, and I’m headed to the airport right now.”

I had no idea what time it was, only that the light in the windows was light and airy. It couldn’t be very late. I gasped as Cole’s fingers moved against my skin.

“That’s great. I’m glad I’ll get to see you tonight.” I wasn’t sure what to say. I hoped we could avoid Aiden at the wedding, but that was going to be impossible if Mary Ellen was his date.

“I know. I’ll get to see you in that blue bridesmaid dress, and Sasha and Cal. I cannot wait. I haven’t gotten a gift yet. What should I send them?”

My mind was alrea

dy in a haze, and I couldn’t even tell Mary Ellen where Sasha was registered. Cole’s fingers slid farther and slower.

“Um…I don’t know. Maybe we can talk about it when you get here.” I placed one hand over the receiver and tried to give Cole the death stare, but his head ducked under the sheet.

“Ok. I’ll text you when I land in Brownsville. Aiden’s going to pick me up. He said he can’t wait to see me. Can you believe all this? It’s going so fast, but it just feels right. You know?”

My eyes closed and I bit hard on my lip. Cole had maneuvered between my legs and I was doing everything I could not to moan into the phone. All I could feel was his heated breath.

“Mmm-hmm.” I tossed the phone on the floor. I didn’t even bother to ask Mary Ellen when her flight landed. My head rocked back and my hips started to follow Cole’s lead. “What are you doing? That was important.” I spoke through heavy breaths.

“I just wanted to say good morning,” he growled from under the covers.

Well, who was I to argue with that?

My car was packed with almost every accessory I owned. The girls were meeting at Sasha’s parents’ house to get ready. Sasha had hired a makeup artist and a hair stylist for all of us. I was excited about getting the royal treatment before the wedding, but I knew the whole thing just made Sasha more nervous. It meant more people fussing over her, more pictures, and more stress. I hoped Tara, Mindy, and I could try to keep her relaxed and calm. After all, it was her wedding day. It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.

Cole was going to make the rounds at the Dunes then meet me at the ceremony. I hadn’t seen him this happy in weeks. I loved it. I loved him. For the first time, I felt like, regardless of the lawsuit, he and I were going to have a life together. I didn’t know if that life would include the Dune Scape, but we were going to be together every step of the way. I pointed the car toward the other end of the island.

The wedding ceremony was going to be performed at an island chapel, and then everyone would drive over to the oceanfront golf club for the reception. Sasha said there were more than three hundred guests. I was surprised she hadn’t broken out in hives by now.
